ashtray suddenly stood up and began slowly pacing the room infront of her.

she was about to say something but ashtray beat her too it.

"so much shit is going on with the store right now and business. it's fucking with my head rory." he sighed, finally making eye contact with her. her brown sympathetic eyes met his brown pleading eyes.

it was like a whole new feeling shook through her body. she could feel her cheeks growing redder by the second, it must be allergies or something.

ashtray felt that same stupid feeling he felt everytime she looked at him.

aurora hesitated but finally spoke up "m'sorry. it must be really hard with everything and not being able to make it stop."

ashtray mentally rolled his eyes, yes it's hard with you driving me fucking crazy and not being able too make these feelings stop.

ashtray shook his head "don't apologise."

aurora nodded her head and looked around, not sure what to say.

"wanna watch spider-man?" she shyly asked.

it was the best thing she could think of.

ashtray furrowed his eyes and turned towards her. he watched as she fidgeted with her bracelet nervously and her eyes lingered the room.

he scoffed out a laugh "yeah."

he watched as she stopped biting her lip nervously and a smile formed on her face.

"okay." she spoke softly before crawling into her bed and pulling the cover up too her shoulders.

"are you gonna stay?" she wondered as she realised how late it was.

ashtray shrugged "if you're okay with that?"

aurora grinned as she nodded "yeah."

he gave her a tight lipped smile. he slipped off his shoes and removed his jacket before joining her on the other side of the bed. aurora found the movie before pressing play.

"how do you not get bored of this movie?" ashtray wondered. he knew before they even had a conversation that she was obsessed with spider-man. he always viewed her instagram posts, not in a weird way. he just found her different compared too other girls her age.

she was much more layed back. she didn't really care if everyone had an opinion on her, because they didn't matter too her.

she dressed more comfy and casual unlike her friends, which shows that she never tried fitting in.

ashtray always secretly admired her. in every way a person could be admired. but he would never tell her that.

"i love it." she yawned while resting her head into her pillow.

ashtray caught her slight action. he felt bad showing us this late at night and waking her from her sleep.

ashtray was in a slightly slouched sit up position, compared to aurora who was lead down completely. so he shuffled down slightly too be closer too her.

as the film started, a comfortable silence filled the room. that was until ashtray asked "who's your favourite spider-man?"

but after he didn't get a response he peered down at the girl too notice she was now flat out asleep.

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