Chapter Six

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*Louis Pov

Me and Niall decided to hang out so we decided on having a mini movie night i knew i had to get my mind off of harry after the phone call i had with his girlfriend only hours before I couldn't face him so i needed a damn good distraction. "Lou come on the movie is getting ready to start !" I heard an Irish accent scream at me from the next room over so I made my way towards him with a bucket of popcorn and some snacks.

Hours passed by after we binge watched half of our favorite rom-com movies but sadly after niall had to go and help his mom with a few preparations for his cousin's wedding so i walked him to the door and gave him a quick hug before making my way back upstairs into my room , i went to go change into some more comfortable clothes before flopping myself onto my bed I was just about to drift off into a deep sleep when my phone started to ring... it was him.

I really wanted to ignore his call but for some reason I didn't have the guts to do so I don't know what it was about harry but it was like he had this pull on me where I would do whatever he wanted so I took a deep breath before picking up the phone and clicking the green button to answer it. "Hello..?" I waited for him to respond but all I heard was pure silence after a few minutes he finally broke down into tears before speaking back. "Lou can i please come over something happened with me and my girlfriend and i.. i just need to get away for a few days please lou please i don't wanna be here." I felt my heart break for him as he stumbled over a few of his words while trying to stop himself from crying I've never heard harry so broken before so i did the one thing i knew would be best for him. "Yeah haz it's okay we can talk about it when you get here i promise." He sniffled on the other line before saying thank you and hanging up.

*Harry's Pov

I hung up the phone and cleaned my face up as i walked back into my room scanning to see if selena had went back home yet , Luckily for me she left while i was on the phone with Louis so i was relieved for that. I quickly got some of my things together before grabbing my car keys off the night stand and making my way out the door.

Twenty minutes later i pulled up to Louis house and parked my car on the side i took a deep breath before knocking on the door as i waited for him to come down the steps and open the door finally a small petite frame came downstairs swinging the door open. "Hey lou is your mom home ? I'd love to catch up with her." I asked him as I came inside following him upstairs to his rooms to set my things down. "Erm no she's not home she's at work but she'll definitely be glad to see you again." He smiled at me as we both plopped down on his bed. "Do you wanna talk about it haz?.." he asked me as he scooted closer to me I knew I shouldn't have let him be so close but I really didn't care at this point so I took a deep breath and nodded my head. "Yeah.." he nodded in agreement as I started to tell him all about selena and how she's been lately.

*Louis Pov

I watched Harry take a deep breath as he was finally gonna open up to me about his relationship with his girlfriend I really needed to know what had upset him so much to make him wanna get away so I did what I always do I listened to him. "She's never been like this when I was out of town with her for those few years she was the sweetest thing on earth but one time I mentioned you and she didn't like it very much we would argue for hours and then she would apologize .. I thought she changed when we came back down here together but I saw her on the phone with you and i don't know lou I lost it I thought she was back to her old ways and she was .. she told me all about the threat that she had made to you before I even came into the room she didn't let me leave so I tried to get past her but something in her eyes changed she grabbed the nearest thing she could hurt me with and that was a razor.." he paused for a minute as I looked down at his wrist it was a cut a really fresh cut so I stared at him with a worried look but I didn't wanna say anything so I let him finish. "That was her second time harming me .. remember when she agreed for dinner with us ? she slapped me that day and it was all because of you but I didn't wanna keep my distance from you so I let it happen but you started distancing yourself instead and I'm not gonna lie it hurt I've always cared about you louis in more ways than I'd like to admit but I didn't wanna hurt sel but i don't think.." He started to trail off again I really wanted to know what he was gonna say next but instead he broke into tears I've never seen someone so physically and emotionally damaged I didn't know what to do so I sat there and I held onto him I held onto him for hours until he fell asleep.

A/N HI BEANS ! I feel so bad that this is happening to harry but ! the good things will happen sooner than you guys think I promise it will be worth it !! <3

Xoxo Ray !

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