Discussion Between Monsters

Start from the beginning

If he is threatening me with expulsion, it is merely to see if I react in any kind of way. There is no need to waver, he's just bluffing. Besides, I don't think that what I did would be punished so harshly. There were instances where people were fighting each other until they'd be sent to hospital, and still the punishment would be a suspension, expulsion is a rather excessive action to take, even in that manner, let alone this.

" There's no need to know my opinion. It's not like you're going to expel me. After all, that man gave you this position for a reason "

At that statement, his smile visibly got lower. I didn't give him much information about the deal I've made in this room, but I wanted to grasp a reaction from him, to see if what he said back then was true or not. Was our deal between us, or not? That's all I want to know for now. What could they be plotting exactly? 

Suddenly, he begun applauding, which kind of made me confused and irritated.

" Splendid, Ayanokoji-kun. Even when you know that I could very well do that, you already figured out that I won't do it. Truly superb, as expected from the Masterpiece of that place. You are intelligent, strong and fast. Your knowledge of this world, is in fact out of this world. Everyone who met you, and know about what you're capable of, would agree with me. But, don't forget, Ayanokoji-kun... "

As he spoke, he finally opened his eyes slightly. And with a murderous glare, he stood up.

"Even with all those qualifications, you're still just a child. There is no point in trying to figure out what the adults are planning for you"

As he said those words, his smile once again appeared on his face. His eyes now back to the original form they were before, as he took his laptop into his hands and sat back down. 

" Now, to answer your question honestly. It's not like we can just do what you said we could. Turning something even slightly similar to White Room, is just purely insane, after all. The government will not agree to something like this. Besides that, you have to think about the parents of all of those kids. If they hear about the sudden increase in the difficulty of a normal school to a level of that of White Room, the news will spread like wildfire. It's simply not possible to create something like that, just like I said, not even remotely similar to the White Room "

I glanced over to his laptop, which he was now using. Taking the last sip of tea, the man Tsukishiro, turned the laptop around for me to see the screen.

" So, Ayanokoji-kun. Have you heard about this college? "

A college?  I thought as I got a little closer to read whatever was displayed on the screen

On a closer inspection, what he showed me was a college that I haven't actually heard about, but was rather very popular for others. You could say that based on how many searches there are, I was the anomaly here, by not knowing or hearing about it.

" What is it about this college? " I asked, as I was still reading

" I don't know if I should be impressed or disappointed that you don't know about it. After all, it is the largest and most popular college in Japan. But that's beside the point "

He stood up once again and came over to my side, scrolling down on his laptop for further information. 

" Read about this " he said

On the screen, below the section I just read, an image with a huge island was shown. Apparently, on that huge island, a college was built 10 years ago, with the sole purpose of raising great individuals for the future of Japan. 

As it said on the site that I was reading right now, it was a college that acted in the way of a high school, but rather much different and much more challenging. It also said that it promoted competition among the students.

Advanced Nurturing Tokyo University was the name.

" So, what's this college got to do with this school? "

He smiled deviously before answering me.

" It's quite simple. We plan to turn this school into something like that. But that'll take a bit of time. Perhaps the project will be ready in the next semester " he explained

It is quite a bit of time until the next semester. This one just started after all. Anyway, I don't see any point in staying any longer, I already found out what I wanted. With some additional information on top of that.

" Is that everything that you're going to change about the school? " I asked

" I wonder.. will that really be all?~ " 

It was clearly important for me to keep in mind just how deceiving this man can be. 

" If you don't wanna tell me, then that's that " I said, after which I stood up and reached for the door " Sorry for taking up your time "

" Now, now. Did you perhaps forgot about why you even came here in the first place? "

" I believe the situation is already taken care of, is it not? There's no point in me taking up your time even further " 

 Tsukishiro was still smiling, without any signs of concern as I exited the room. I would've liked if I could get more information out of him, but his guard around me was quite impressive. He barely let out any undefended areas to strike at. Nevertheless, I still got enough information to keep myself in the game. Now that the bullying situation was taken care of..

it was time to play with the delinquents

Yo, guys. A little announcement from me.
I recently started reading COTE Light Novel, so I plan to read it whole now that I started, including Volume 0. For what I have in mind to do further with this series, I really need the information that the LN offers. 

So expect to see a long break for now.

Thank you for reading and commenting, you're awesome.

God-Tier Character Ayanokoji KiyotakaWhere stories live. Discover now