The Butler

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I was still confused and at the same time curious about what the new chairman told me. He knows things about Kiyotaka, maybe I could learn why he's not expressing his emotions or find out things about why he's acting so coldly right now.

Wait, now that I think of it.. when was it that the previous chairman got fired..? That's really strange. I didn't think of it at that moment, I just went with the flow.

Anyway, I should probably head home since I'm already outside. Though I wish I saw Kiyotaka before going.. it's such a shame that I'm an airhead.

Wait, no, it's his fault for making me like him so much! Yes, that's right!

Of course, I was just fighting the truth at this point, somehow my female nature told me to put the blame on him, even if he doesn't have any say in this, or did anything wrong.


I reached the point where I would normally part ways with Kiyotaka. I sighed in both relief that he's not leaving and regret that he's not here with me before looking at the road towards his home.

A thought about going into his house and surprise him strangely came to mind. Of course, I abandoned that thought immediately, that'd be really unbecoming of a young maiden like me.

I then noticed a black car and an old man standing on the sidewalk. It gave me the idea that he was waiting for me, but that shouldn't be the case, right? I don't even think I saw him once before but.. he really does seem familiar somehow. He looks almost like.. the new chairman. But maybe, a little older. Even so, he looks really noble.

" Excuse me miss " he said as I got closer to him

So he really was waiting for me. Perhaps he just wants some directions?

" Yes? "

" I'm terribly sorry for bothering you, but I saw you talk with a man on my way here. Do you know that person? "

That's.. really strange.. it sounds like a stalker... I made a step back slowly, it was safe to assume that he was suspicious and I was a little afraid.

" Ah, please, don't be scared. I promise I won't move from this spot, is that fine? "

He immediately went back a few steps, just enough for us to hear each other. It seems he just wants to talk, thank God.

" Ah, where are my manners, I should've started with my name. You can call me Matsuo. I'm a relative of your friend, Ayanokoji-kun " he said as he bowed slightly

A relative of Kiyotaka? Now that's.. something. He is living alone, yet has someone to look after him. He never stated that.

" Ah, please, raise your head! I'm sorry for reacting like that "

" It's not a problem, after all, I can't say that I did not acted suspicious. It's not in my nature, but I'm just a little desperate, you see "

" Desperate? What do you mean..? "

If he's a relative of Kiyotaka.. does that mean that it's something related to him?

" Yes. You see.. that man that you were talking to, you shouldn't get involved with him. I beg of you, for both yours and Ayanokoji-sama's own good "

He once again bowed his head. He previously called Kiyotaka by the honorific 'kun' but now he said 'sama'. Strange.. if it's a relative, shouldn't it be something more.. closer?

" P-please, don't bow your head, Matsuo-san! I will hear you out, okay?~ "

" Yes, thank you. It may seem strange again, but would you mind discussing this inside the car? I'll drive you home as we speak "

God-Tier Character Ayanokoji KiyotakaWhere stories live. Discover now