Chapter 3 | New Development

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Medic examined Sniper as he lay on the examination bed.

Medic stepped back, "Alright, you seem to be fine, physically. But I vant you to rest for a bit, understand?"

Sniper, "Got it."

Medic exited the room, leaving Sniper alone. Sniper laid there, he couldn't shake the thoughts of Spy...

He could feel himself start to shiver, his breath becoming short and rapid.

Sniper was getting riled up, he was starting to get frustrated with himself as he laid there.

Sniper could feel a tingling sensation in his chest. He couldn't figure out what was making him react this way.

Sudden thoughts of Spy kept popping into his head.

He was becoming frustrated with himself, his thoughts kept of Spy kept changing, becoming more intense.

His thoughts started to spiral downwards, shifting into intimate fantasies with Spy.

He imagined Spy's lips grazing against his neck, his breath hot on his skin. He could feel his neck tingle, the sensation becoming increasingly euphoric.

He began to think of Spy biting into him, his fangs sinking deep into his flesh. He could feel the sensation of pain, but at the same time he felt a rush of pleasure.

Sniper's thoughts shifted even further, imagining Spy's lips slowly sliding down his neck to his chest, his tongue touching his skin.

He could feel Spy's hands sliding down his body, inching closer and closer to his waist.

Sniper rolled over onto his side, his skin feeling flushed as he came back to reality. He was slightly embarrassed by the intimate and explicit thoughts he just fantasized about.

Sniper felt hot and irritated, he felt like an idiot.

He started muttering to himself, shaking his head as he tried to get rid of the thoughts, he yelled quietly, "Goddamnit Spy!"

Sniper got up from the examination bed, his frustration and irritation growing with each step. He hated these thoughts and the sensations that came along with them.

He hated the fact that Spy had this effect on him.

He started to make his way towards the infirmary exit.

"Stupid Spy!" he told himself as he rounded the corner, trying not to focus too much on the mental images that kept floating back to his mind.

Sniper left the examination room and walked towards Medic's office, he gently opened the door and entered the room.

Medic looked back at him, he could tell that something was troubling Sniper.

Medic, "Hello Sniper, iz everything alright?"

Sniper, "Huh, yeah, I'm fine."

Medic, "Hm, you seem a little... distracted."

Sniper, "I'm fine, really, I just..."

He paused for a moment, "Well actually.. I need to tell you something..."

Medic, "I'm all ears. Not really though but go on."

Sniper tells Medic about what happened between him and Spy a few nights ago.

Medic, "Excuse me?"

He looked at Sniper, his ears perking up in surprise as he heard the story.

Sniper, "Yeah... I remember it vividly but that's the whole story."

Medic looked puzzled, he looked at Sniper trying to piece together what he had just heard.

Medic, "You're saying zhat Spy bit you, zhat he almost turned you into a vampire?"

Sniper nodded.

Medic looks him up and down.

"FASCINATING!" Medic gets up from his chair and examines Sniper. "For those few seconds, how did it feel?"

Sniper, "It..."

He tried to keep his voice level as he recalled the memory.

Sniper, "It was.. surreal.."

Medic, "Describe it."

Sniper, "Well, it was like I was suddenly overwhelmed with a sensation of heat, it felt like my heart had just dropped, my body started trembling, my skin suddenly felt hotter and prickling like something was inside me trying to get out.." Spy stopped, " I also felt a surge of hunger."

Medic, "And after you respawned, you didn't feel strange? You didn't have any weird cravings?"

Sniper looked away for a moment, trying to gather his thoughts.

Sniper, "I don't know.. Though I've been craving food more recently.. As if I haven't eaten in weeks.."

Medic wrote some things down that Sniper has said, taking notes, Medic was intrigued.

Medic, "Curious..."

Medic sat back over in his chair, pondering these new developments.

Medic, "It sounds like, even though Spy has halted the transformation, you still get the side effects of transforming into a vampire. Sniper, there might be a chance that Spy didn't completely stop the transformation."

Sniper, "What do you mean?"

Medic, "The effects of the transformation may still exist in you. The transformation of a human to a vampire is quite complex, a number of things could have happened. Like your cravings suggest that the process might still be ongoing, but it's at a standstill."

They both sat quietly in the room for awhile before Medic broke the silence.

Medic, "It's late, get some rest. I'll analyze the situation more and get back to you and don't worry, I have Spy tied down in a patted room, he won't bother you."

Sniper, "Right, yeah, I'll try an get some rest, thanks."

Sniper leaves Medic's office, he wasn't looking forward going back to his room, he couldn't stop thinking about what Medic just told him.

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