Trouble doesn't come alone

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- Be strong, Caera, I am with you, be patient - Grey said to his wife. Caera wasn't much help, of course, but she was pleased that Grey was supporting her in this painful moment.

- "Argh!" - sounded Grey when Caera broke his thumb from holding it too tightly -"Fuck"

- Girl, come and hold your little sister - said the doctor. After his words, Sylvie was instantly by her side and took her baby sister in her arms.

After a while, the second little sister was born as well. Caera, immediately afterwards felt relieved.

- Miss, please - said the doctor and handed the second baby to Caera. Sylvie handed over the first one.

The children were calm, which was surprising. Both girls were the sweetest creatures. Their hair was dark blue with wheatish glimmers. And then the moment they opened their eyes.

- "Uwaaaah, they're different colors! Kyaayyyyyyyyy!" - yelled with happiness Regis in Grey's head.

- "..." - Not sure how he should react, Grey didn't reply anything.

- "I apologize, apparently Uto's latent preferences have played out" - said Regis trying to look serious.

- What's the odds of that? - Grey mumbled in surprise. After doing some hard and not so hard calculations, it turned out to be about 0-2% chance. Disappointed at what all his luck was being wasted on, Grey immediately cheered up. There were now four pairs of eyes looking at him.

- Welcome to the world, Rosaline, Alicia - Grey said and tears of happiness flowed from his eyes.


- Hey, man! Drinks are on me tonight! - Grey shouted into the shop.

Four months ago, a few days after buying the house, Grey went looking for a job. Because of the aether core, he wouldn't be accepted into the adventurer's guild, so he started looking for jobs he would likely excel at. And, after a few hours of searching, he met an old blacksmith man. He was just looking for a helper and a worker behind the counter. And that's how they met. A little later, Grey started helping him with fixing things (cheater, ban him for that!). The old man was kind, though he was closed and grumpy, often saying one thing but thinking something else. At first he treated Grey strictly, saying he was so young and already married, but after a while he began to soften. Grey felt that the old man was like someone else, but he couldn't figure out who.

- Why are you being so loud? The sun is at its zenith, and you've only come to work and talk about drinking - grumbled the old blacksmith, at the same time, offering the buyer to examine one of the swords he showed him - By the way, unexpected. In all four months, I've never seen you in the tavern. As far as I can remember, you've always gone straight home. Suddenly you're offering me a drink. What happened?

- My wife gave birth to healthy twins - Grey said, grinning from ear to ear.

- Wow. Congratulations - said the old man with an imperceptible sadness in his voice.

- Congratulations.

- Congratulations!!

The visitors congratulated Grey.

- Then maybe you should take a couple days off. You'll be with your family, with the kids - said the blacksmith, scratching the back of his head - "It's embarrassing that I told him off for being late."

- Thanks, but if there's any trouble or a big influx of visitors, don't hesitate to call, I'll help - Grey said.

- Yeah, got it.

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