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"I don't know why, because of what, or how it happened, but here I am writing this. I'm writing it for my future self. Perhaps Gideon was right, and that's why I'm writing this. Remember, your name is Tessia Eralith, your parents are Alduin and Merial Eralith, your grandfather is Virion Eralith, Arthur Leywin is the man you love."

- "Ahhhh, I can't, why did I even start writing this?"

I sat in my room. Because of Gideon's words, I decided to start writing a diary, but I'm already regretting it. I still think he was right. Elves live longer than humans. How does she know that? I won't tell you yet.

"It all started a little over 3 months ago from today's date. 2 people showed up in the principal's room where we were discussing plans for the start of the school year. How, is unclear, but had a few words with the principal, she hurriedly asked us to leave, as I was leaving, He, looked at me strangely. I tried to eavesdrop, but apparently what they were talking about was very important, since the principal had set up a sound barrier. I didn't eavesdrop for long, but the man with the blond, wheat hair that gave me the weird look opened the door and said that there was a rat in here. I apologized and hurriedly left. He probably heard me, as I stomped 1 time, which was a fatal mistake. We crossed paths a couple times after that. Later, on freshman welcome day, there was a small incident in the cafeteria. And then I found out that he-- they were going to be teachers of a new subject. I was skeptical at first, but eventually I became interested in Duels. The teacher. Was strong. Although that assistant's wife. Who makes their wife their assistant? - was the first thing I thought of when I found out they were married)) was also strong. Even though they are married*grumpy face*, when they fought they didn't hold back(well except for Professor Grey, he was clearly holding back). In the next class, Arthur defended me and ended up in the infirmary."

"Right! I have to go to the infirmary to get my reports. Gotta get this done quickly." - I thought. But I didn't expect this...


- Excuse me, I'm here for the reports - Tess said.

- Hi sweetie, here are the reports - the nurse handed her a small stack of papers - You're going to the principal's office now, right?

- Yes.

- Could you please bring her here since you're going to see her now? - the nurse asked.

- Okay - saying that, Tessia went to the principal's office. After about 15 minutes, she brought the director to the infirmary.

- You asked me to come, is something wrong? - the director asked worriedly.

- Yes, and it's quite serious.... - said the nurse, starting to move the walls.

- Should Tessia leave? - the principal asked, it's a serious matter.

- No, let her stay, it will be better for her - said the nurse, having already pushed the wall back completely. Tessia and Cynthia saw a very, very strange picture. Caera was half lying on a hospital bed, and Grey, apparently passed out, was lying next door.

- What happened? - the headmistress asked. Tess just stared silently and didn't know what to say.

- Well... Huh, honeymooners, what can you take from them - the nurse said with a shrug. Neither Tess nor the principal understood.

- Uh, can I say it? - Caera interjected.

- Oh, oh, yeah, sure.

- Well, uh, Director, I'm pregnant - Caera scratched her cheek and looked away.

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