First lesson

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The month flew by quickly. The first day of school at Xyrus Academy had begun. Normally, there were no classes on that day, but even without classes, rumors of a guy with two attributes quickly spread, as well as rumors of a new teacher so beautiful that even girls couldn't resist her beauty, let alone men. And that evening, in the dining hall, there was an incident. In which everyone saw two people, discussed in rumors, in the same place.

- So, were you just going to punch another student like that? - Grey asked, holding the student's hand that stopped right in front of Elijah's face. No one could understand where he had come from, even Arthur was stunned, as to him this man had also just appeared there.

And that scared him...

- Professor Grey - came a voice from somewhere outside.

- Grey - also heard a voice from outside.

At that time, all (well, almost) the most beautiful people in the Academy gathered in one place. The head of the student council, the guy with two attributes and the most beautiful teacher.

- Hey, are you seeing this? The rumors were true, she's so beautiful - there were whispers.

- Yeah, who's that teacher? He's very handsome too

- I think his name is Gray.

- He's so handsome, I can't believe it.

- Professor Grey, what are you doing? - after that question, the whispering stopped and everyone stared at the student council president.

- Saving a student from getting kicked out of school, though I'm starting to regret it - the teacher replied, letting go of his attacker's hand - What?

- Nothing, please forgive the misunderstanding - Tessia apologized.

- "Hmm? Dad, is something wrong?" - Sylvie woke up.

- "Nothing," replied Arthur nervously.

- "It's just a coincidence, calm down. It's just a coincidence, don't get worked up. It's fine." - Arthur frantically began to think, but was able to calm down quickly.

- Grey, we have to go to the headmaster's office - said Caera.

- We should go too, thank you for your help - Elijah said and bowed to Grey.

- Nothing, there are many fools in the world, I'll see you around.

It was over as quickly and unexpectedly as it had begun. Everyone in the dining room was still reeling from what they had just seen.


- No, did you see that? Next to us was the Lunar Goddess and that beautiful teacher from the rumors. Did you see how beautiful she was? - Elijah said with a dreamy face.

- Yes, yes, she was really beautiful - Arthur replied.

- Arthur, wait! - shouted Tess, catching up with the boys as they headed back to the dormitory.

- Okay, Elijah, go to dormitory, I'll come back later - Arthur said, turning towards the running girl.

When she caught up with Art, Tess stopped. They both fell silent, not knowing what to say.

- I'm sorry, Tess - Arthur began.

- Yeah, I'm sorry, too. The reunion didn't work out so well - Tessia continued and began to move closer to him. Arthur came over and hugged Tess as a sign of reconciliation and reunion.

- By the way, I have something to give you - breaking the embrace, the guy said, pulling out the mana core of the Elderwood Guardian - Here, this is for yo-" Arthur said.

Before Arthur could say anything, he was interrupted by a purple-colored puppy who snatched the mana core. Arthur reacted quickly and almost grabbed the puppy by the tail, but it suddenly accelerated and after a short chase, disappeared.


- Who is this kid? - Caera asked, standing on the roof of the Academy, not far from the scene of the recent events.

- It's me - Grey said.

- "Mario~" - said Regis mentally.

- Eh?! You said you looked different before, of course, but to be this different!

- Uh-huh. Well done, Regis - Grey said, taking a mana core from Regis' mouth.

- Don't thank me, Princess, and anyway, I'm a Great Weapon and I can do more than just steal things.

- Yeah, yeah. You want to eat that mana core, don't you? Yes? Do you? Then fetch! - Grey said with a sneer in his voice, imitating the throwing of a stick. Regis clearly didn't appreciate the humor.

- I'm a wolf, you know, not a pet.

- You don't look like one - Gray said, watching the pup turn away, clearly offended.

- By the way, what do you need that thing for? - Caera asked, pointing to the mana core.

- To test a theory. We're in the past, aren't we? In the past. I think not many people have thought about the butterfly effect, given the scientific progress - Grey began, but seeing Caera's face full of incomprehension, decided to explain the nature of the butterfly effect - Well, look, you went to the past and killed, for example, a butterfly, but this small action led to the fact that you were never born or something worse. That's the butterfly effect.

- I see - said Caera, trying to comprehend what Grey had said

- Well, good, but here's the problem, we don't know how time works. We could have created a separate universe by going back in time, and then we can't go back to our universe, which means that there would be two of us, you and me, and we'd all be in the same universe.... Stop! Stop, stop, stop!. How did we even get back in time? Do you, uh... remember anything about it? - panicked Grey tried to remember how they got to the past.

Caera thought about it, trying to remember anything about how they got to the past, but she couldn't remember. It made her worried too.

- No, we could create a parallel universe, it just started branching off from the main timeline, or did it? Given that we've forgotten such a distant event, this universe has already completely split off from the main timeline. That said, we remember each other and exist at all. But then what that means is that the universe has only just begun to separate? And our memories will gradually be replaced.

- "Are you aware that you're now talking almost word for word about the events of that super fast dude show?" - Regis remarked skeptically.

- "Shut up"

- "So get those rings you put in the Rune" - Regis said, looking at his "Master" resentfully - "It was written in front of that thing that the rings were supposed to protect those who wore them from temporal paradoxes or something.

Gray stared dumbly at the puppy for a while, then checked the Rune had given him on his arm and indeed found 5 identical rings there, then looked at the puppy again.

- Why the fuck didn't you say so before! - shouted Grey.

- First of all, you didn't ask, secondly I thought you knew - said Regis with his ears pressed against his head and covered them with his paws.

- Haaaaaaahhhh, okay, here you go, Caera - said Grey, throwing her the ring.

Grey tried to put the ring on his index finger, since his thumb had a spatial ring, but the finger was too big, the middle finger he missed for obvious reasons. The pinky finger was too small for the ring, leaving only the ring finger. Caera's situation was the same. There was an awkward silence.

- Uh, what, uh... what do we do with this? - looking at the ring already on her ring finger, Caera asked.

- We'll leave it as it is, if anything, we'll say that we're married, I don't see any problem with that, and rumors would go around anyway if they saw the same ring on our fingers - Gray shrugged his shoulders and started walking towards the teachers' dormitory.

- "Why are you running away? You like it and you don't want to show it. How childish - Regis said, trying to catch up with Gray's fast walking.

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