Preparing for the mission

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- Director, what's your problem?

- Everything! You should have warned me about her! Now there are all sorts of strange rumors going around the academy that could affect everything!

- I'm sorry, I didn't expect it myself. By the way, how do you think this will affect the academy? - Grey asked.

- There's a rumor that there's an 11 year old girl with the power of a Lance!

- That's fine. It's my problem.

- Which affects the whole academy - said Sylvie skeptically.

- Shut up and sleep. Kids should sleep - Grey replied sarcastically.

- Yeah, old man.

- I'm not that old! - protested Grey - "I'm only 60-odd, but I'm 20 at heart!"

- "No, you're not" - said Regis.

- "I am!" - answered Grey.

- The Lances are coming to see us tomorrow - said Cynthia in a serious tone.

- That's all right. I'll deal with it somehow. Virion's coming tomorrow, too, so everything will be fine - Grey said, leaning back on the couch.

- Are you sure?

- Yes, you have nothing to worry about, Director - Grey said.

- Okay, I'll trust you, then I'll go. But remember, if the school gets hurt because of "your problems" you're out of here.

- Got it.


- That's my other granddaughter! - Virion said, lifting Sylvie up by her armpits.

- Let go! - waving her arms, the girl screamed.

Lances, staring dumbly at this scene. Both Bairon and Alea had the same thought: "He has a child out of wedlock?". At first, they only looked at this scene, but later, they looked at the person behind this scene. Their faces immediately tensed up. Although faintly, but they could feel the power coming from that person.

- Excuse me, I shouldn't pry into your affairs, but do you have a son out of wedlock? - Alea asked.

- No - Virion replied, continuing to squeeze Sylvie.

- But... Then... Why did you name her-

- She is the daughter of my first student. I don't see any problem - Virion replied.

- That's enough! - Wrenching Sylvie from the elf's clutches, Grey said. Virion wiped away the imaginary tears and took a serious look.

- Please welcome with me, family, er... - Virion stopped and looked at Grey, asking him with his gaze what he should say.

- Denoir - Sylvie said.

- The Denoir family. They will be assisting you in the mission ahead - Virion continued.

- They? - Bairon asked and looked at the family of two (four and a fifth on the way) with disbelief in his gaze.

- Bairon, don't you trust me? - Virion asked.

- I do, sir - Bairon answered machine-mindedly.

- It was a useless question. You can spar with them if you need to. Battle 1 on 1. I advise you to be serious - Virion said and started to leave, not forgetting to pat Sylvie's head.

Naturally Bairon, Sylvie and Grey went to settle things with a fight. But in your opinion, who will win, the basilisk-dragon or the human? The answer is obvious. It's going to be the huma-

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