Chapter 2

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The jazz music can be heard all over the bar. People talking and laughing while chatting and playing billiards.
I hit the cue ball towards the other ball and it fell to the hole. The game was over and i was the winner. The people that were watching clap their hands and cheered on me. I don't know them and i don't want to know them. They were all a bunch of old men.

"That was a nice shot, little lady. You totally destroyed us. ", A man of his 50's walked over to me and handed me the money. We were betting for 50 dollars and i just have to win it. It's a win or die situation.

"I know", I smirked and walked away. I went to the bar counter and ordered a cola.

"How much did you win this time?", The bartender asked with a smirk.
"150 dollars", I answered and took a sip on my drink.
"You don't feel confident anymore? You usually bet 100 dollars"
"It's not that i am not confident, I am just broke right now. I am always confident " I lean back on the stool and sip on my coke.
"Are you still looking for a job?", He always asks whenever I come here.
"You know, my offer is still standing. I swear, you will love to work here."
"And watch some old guys playing billiards and listen to their stories a hundred times. No way.", I shook my head.
"I remember you said that you are looking for a roommate, there is a vacant room on the second floor. You can rent it without any roommate"
"No thanks, 1000 dollars is a no for me. I can barely pay 500 dollars, what made you think i can afford it?"
"You can always bet with those guys", He pointed out the men that i was playing with.
"No. I don't like betting. I am only doing it because i need money.", I stand up and put in 50 cents.
"Bye, whoever you are " , and i turned my back.
"It's Andy, you weirdo!", I raised my middle finger before leaving the bar.

I walked on the sidewalk while whistling. People were walking, talking to their phones, chatting, and the homeless were sleeping. I will be like them if only i wasn't stubborn. I refuse to give up like them. If there is a problem, there is always a solution.

I entered my house and washed myself before jumping on my bed. Today was very tiring and i couldn't find a person to be my roommate. Maybe i should start looking for an apartment instead.

I woke up because of the nonstop knocking on the door. I knew this kind of knock so i immediately opened the door and there she was, The old landlady.

"Give me another day and i swear-", i was interrupted when she raised her palm to stop me.
"Well lucky for you, someone is renting the other room. She will be here later so i have to get the other room ready, if you have any things you stored there, then remove it.", Well that saves me a lot. Whoever she is, i love you.

Later that day, i prepared a pie for my beautiful kind roommate so she won't leave this place. I heard a knock on the door and opened it without hesitation. It's my roommate

I was greeted by the same blue eyes and warm smile.

"Hi. My name is Breseis Vinn. I am your new roommate", and she raised her hand for a handshake.

I didn't shake her hand so she put it down.

"Can i come in?", still no answer from me. I could see her scratch her forehead and shot me a cute smile.

"The landlady said i could just come in and settle. So if you mind, can i go inside?", I didn't answer however i moved aside and she smiled gratefully.

"Some people will come here to move my things, i hope you don't mind. ", Why does she keep asking if i mind it.
"No, and there is a pie in the table kitchen. You can eat it if you want and the house rule is pinned on the refrigerator. ", and i walked towards my room without looking back.

Of all people, why her? If i remember clearly, she was a student from Conopy University. So that means she is rich so why here? She could pick some luxury apartment rather than this cheap place. Well anyway, that's none of my business as long as she keep her business to herself.

I went back to my bed and sleep. I woke up at exactly 5 pm. So i took a shower and went out.

"Hi. Where are you heading?", I was surprised to hear her voice behind me so i couldn't help but to jump backwards and trip myself.
"Omg, are you okay?", She rushed towards me and help me stand up.
"I'm fine", I retrieve my hand from her. I was not fine, my back is killing me.
"Don't do that again, you scared the shit out of me", i glared at her.
"It's not my fault that you jump like a scaredy cat" , She smirks while she folded her hands. This bitch is starting to get on my nerves but she wasn't wrong.
"Whatever", And i left her.

To be continued.

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