Chapter 1

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People around me said i was too alone. It always pissed me off because i was fine. Or so i thought. They were right, i was too alone. I was more lonely than a lone wolf. No friends, no acquaintance , no relatives, and no families. None. Even a pet, animals hate me and so am I.

Some people tried to befriend me but i always turned them down. Love? Trust? I don't know that word. It doesn't exist in my vocabulary and before you think i have some kind of trauma that made me like this, then the answer is no. I am a perfect fine human being without any trauma or bad memories. I was an orphan. The sisters and the other children always left me alone because i said so. I was born alone so i am going to die alone.

This is not some sad story because i refuse to believe that being alone is the saddest shit that ever happens to a human being. Do you know what is the saddest? It's getting the wrong coffee.

"Excuse me, Lady. You got my coffee wrong", I was trying my best to not get pissed.
"Huh? Is it not chocolate frappe?". This bitch.
"No. Do i look like i eat something sweet? What part of Black coffee do you not understand? BLACK. COFFEE."
"Oh no, wait. I'll make another one for you", she was about to turn when i called her.
"No. Just give me my money. I refuse to wait another hour for some coffee"

The lady gave me the money and apologized again. I just ignored her and left the café.

And of course, just like any stupid cliché in a story where the girl meets boy. A fucking woman tripped herself and the fucking chocolate frappe spilled on me. Great.

They were all so surprised but none of them move except this blonde woman.

"I'm so sorry, we weren't looking our way. I'm sorry", She rushed towards me and wipe my face with her handkerchief. She smells nice.

"Are you the one who pushed her?", She frowned at me while wiping my face.
"No", She answered hesitating.
"Then are you the one who got tripped and got me in this situation?"
"No. Why are you asking this?", She stopped wiping and stared at me. Damn those blue eyes, it's like a doll staring at you. So creepy.
"Then don't apologize. In fact, I would rather accept the apology coming from this woman", I pointed the girl who got tripped.

They all look at me surprised but blondy blue held an amusement in her eyes.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I wasn't looking", The girl who got tripped said, she looked guilty enough.
"Then pay for my laundry fee. 20 dollar.", I open my palm to receive my money.
"20 dollars? That's ridiculous. It's only your shirt that got stained and it's not even white. That can cost only a cent", Some human interrupted, probably their friends. Why does his hair look like onion root?
"The transportation isn't cent, onion boy and laundry isn't cheap anymore. You gotta have to pay for the wash, dry, and ironing it.", I know i was already making a scene but i am not going away until i get what i want.
"It's fine, Drake. Here you go", She hand over the 20 dollars and i left immediately but i was held by blondy blue.

"What is your name?", She looks excited?
"Pipi", I answered.
"Pipi?", She looks confused and i just want to laugh at her face.
"No. It's Megan Fox.", I remove her hands and left.

Well today was a shitty day but at least i got a 20 dollars. Those people were wearing the Conopy University so i knew they were rich. 20 dollar is just like a cent to them.

When i got home, i remove my clothes and wash it. I was lying. There was no way in my life that i would hand over my clothes to some shitty laundry service. They always ruin my clothes so i rather wash my clothes and i could save some money. Pretty win if you ask me.

After cleaning the whole house even though it have barely dirt. So what? I like it when it's clean. I heard a knock on the door so I peek on the peephole before opening it. I gave my prettiest fake smile.

"Hi, What can i do for you?", Instead of giving me the same smile. The old lady gave me a stern look.
"Y'know what i want", She said with her hard accent.
"Look i have been trying to find a roommate. It's not that easy", My excuses were running out.
"Look, I don't use the electricity or water too much-"
"Stop givin' excuses, Achilles. A deal is deal. You need roomate to rent this house. End of discussion. Now, two people or get out", And she turned her back and left.

I closed the door and took a deep breath.

"FUCK!!!!!!" i scream.

To be continued.

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