Chapter 1

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Bran Riad. That was the name of the cadet found dead on the battlefield. Based off the rumors running around, he was the youngest of a family of three. His parents were the baron and baroness of a small place in the East of the kingdom. Whether it was an accident or a murder, we didn't know. All we knew was that everybody was a suspect, even me.

The generals didn't let us see the body up close, they insisted for us to remain calm and to go back our usual activities as if nothing bad had happened. Nila and I started to walk back to the training grounds to prepare for the next battle when we saw a Krul and Eyol whisper between each other. I must admit Eyol is one of the people I suspect of killing Bran, not because of a murderous rage or anything, but rather I think he saw an opportunity to get rid of a potential nuisance. After all, Bran looked quite built up and seemed to have some fighting skills, Eyol may have seen him as competition. I still couldn't affirm anything since I didn't have any proof, but the moment I find something to incriminate him, I would make him pay, and with a smile at that.

Anyhow, while arriving at the training grounds, I heard Nila's stomach rumbling, with a knowing smile I asked her:

"Do you want to get something to eat?"

She grinned wildly while answering:

"Yes! I haven't eaten anything since this morning! Do you know what's for lunch?"

"Probably another sort of meat to help us regain energy for this afternoon. I just hope it's not the same as what we had yesterday, I'm still not sure what part of the animal it was, hell, I'm not even sure what animal it was."

As we walked to the canteen, we saw Masov and another guy lingering in front of the tent opening. While approaching them, I could see Nila's face becoming brighter, if I trusted my gut, I could sense a couple forming in the next weeks or at least in the next year. I was tempted to tease her about her reaction, but it seemed unwise as we didn't know each other that well. I still noted that reaction somewhere in the back of my brain, so I could use it to tease her if I ever got the opportunity later on. I rather reported my attention to the guy standing next to Masov, he was wearing a grey shirt that perfectly shaped his muscled arms, I couldn't shake the feeling like what I had met with him before hand. He wasn't that tall and didn't have any remarkable feature, his eyes and hair were both a light shade of brown. It wasn't anything that would have caught my attention, but I couldn't quite explain it. As I interrogated myself as of where I had seen him before Malsov started to introduce us:

"Makya and Nila meet Reain, Reain meet Makya and Nila."

For some strange reason, I could see a spark of amusement light his eyes as he looked at us, I couldn't quite understand why, but decides against pondering about a random guy.

We then proceeded to make our way in the canteen and sat down next to a group of cadets, Nila, Masov, Reain and I all looked at the group to try to recognize anyone we would know. For some reason, Reain stared at one of the cadets and looked both surprised and angry, when I directed my gaze to the said cadet, I couldn't decipher anything in his look that could've explained the animosity that was showing in Reain's face, and since none of us were supposed to know anyone before the simulation, I couldn't guess a reason for Reain to be angry at an other cadet.

As I was going to ask him if he knew him from somewhere, I felt the cadet in question look over to us. He had a smirk on his face, while looking at Reain and seemed enjoying seeing him angry. He then looked over to me and nodded as if we knew each other from somewhere, I felt heat climb up to my face as I turned my head to face Nila and Masov. I couldn't shake the feeling I had seen him before, just like what I felt with Reain when I first met him... I knew I had never met either of those two people before coming here, but I guessed that everyone had the same disguises and so it would make sense everyone new I met didn't feel like knew people, right? I overheard one of the guys he was sitting next to him call him by him name to capture his attention:

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