I Am Apparently a Schemer

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    When I get to school that day I expect the usual noise in the admin building because for some reason in my school, there's always a complaint early in the morning. However, what I don't expect is to see Vanessa in the building as well. She's in her grey sweater which is against the school rules, why would she deliberately go the lion's den?

"Dapo, isn't that Vanessa?" I ask my brother who's next to me. We both pause and consider the sight in front of us but before he can speak we're suddenly crowded by grade 12 girls. Our grade actually, it just took me a second to realize that.

"Dolapo, are you really going to take this?" Ella Olanrewaju, my class president, demands.

"What?" I ask, utterly perplexed. I instinctively wrap my fingers around my bag straps in case my nerves got the better of me. No one can ever prepared for this kind of attack early in the morning.

"Hey hey, why do you guys look so angry?" Dapo asks them, gently pushing them a little bit away from them and standing between me and them.

"So they went and made Favour head girl. Favour!  You tell me what Favour has even done for the school to deserve that kind of post."

"And they didn't even make Dolapo a prefect!" Someone else adds.

My eyes nearly roll out of my head.

"Is that why you guys are protesting?" I can't hide my surprise.

"This is a very serious matter Dolapo. If Favour remains as the headgirl then the school democracy will crumble," Ella argues. It takes all of my willpower to not snort at that comment. School democracy? It's a selection process for Christ's sake.

"Ella calm down, at least let's actually start the school day first," Dapo tries to reason with her.

"It's easy for you to talk. They made you social prefect," Ella glares at Dapo.

"He's a perfect fit for the role," I quickly butt in. Before Ella can reply I pull my brother away from her and towards our block.

"I didn't know you had such public appeal," Dapo jokes as we walk past the flower garden.

"I didn't know either. But like, this is too much. What if they actually remove Favour?" My eyes widen at the thought.

"They won't, that would be them admitting they made a mistake. Don't think too much about it and if you feel off just text me," he looks at me squarely as he says the last part and I nod quickly.

Let me clear up the misconception I know you already have. Dapo is not my older brother. I actually senior him with a year and two days but we're in the same year because yes, my parents deliberately made me wait a year behind. Also, I was a very slow baby, I did almost everything pretty late in life. I still used to have the upper hand over Dapo but that pretty switched when we turned 15 and 14. I went crazy and he got protective. Plus, it doesn't help that he goes to the gym on weekends.

I wave my brother good bye and step into my class. Now truth be told, I love my class. I don't think they're a bunch of idiots with whom I wouldn't even be talking to if it weren't for school. On the contrary I think the wild array of people makes it a safe place for me in this large school. Like a home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26 ⏰

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