Chapter 44: Going Home

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Date: Saturday 17th August 2024

Nick’s POV

Today, we’re going home from Menorca, and I’m slightly worried about how Charlie will be, considering how bad his pregnancy symptoms got yesterday. But he has been reassuring me all morning, that he feels ok, and I guess I just have to believe him.

As we finish packing the last few things, someone knock at the door. Naturally, I say “Come in,” and when David opens the door I ever so slightly regret it. Even though he hasn’t done anything since he apologised, I’m still scared that it just a matter of time before he does.

“I just thought I’d come to say bye.” he says.

“Bye,” I say coldly, while Charlie and him say much warmer goodbyes. Sometimes I wonder whether Charlie knows something I don't as he is being fairly nice to David which is a bit odd.

Charlie’s POV

Once David has gone, Nick asks “Has he told you something that I don't know about?”

“How do you mean?” I reply.

“I mean, you’re being a really decent person to him, and even though he has stopped being such a dick, you’ve become really nice to him for no reason I can see, meaning he has probably told you something he hasn’t told me. I was just wondering what it could be, as it would have to be pretty big for you to be that nice to him.”

“It’s complicated,” I say, not wanting to betray Davids trust in me by telling Nick about his girlfriend, “But you are right, he has told me something that he has asked me not to tell you, and even though it’s not enough for me to forgive him I do think it’s enough to give him a second chance.”

“I know I shouldn’t pry, but how come he told you but not me?”

“Again, it’s complicated, but I think he wants to tell you, he just wants to find the right time. But I hope that you trust me enough to know that he deserves a second chance – from both of us.”

“Ok, I’ll try and be nice but if he starts being a prick again, then that goes out the window.”

“Ok, now can we finish packing, as we need to leave in an hour.”

“Yes, of course we can.”

When it’s time to leave we finish loading up the cars with bags and people, and drive to the airport. When we get to the airport we unload and return the cars, before heading towards the terminal.

By the time we have checked in our bags and gone through security, we decide to stop for an early lunch as its easier than sorting out food and eating on the plane.

After lunch we go to the gate and board the plane, and fly home.

It’s 14:45 BST by the time we land, so once we’re off the plane and collected our bags, we say goodbye to Diane, Rich, Tilly and Leo and head home.

Once we get home, I try and help Nick and Sarah unload the car, but unsurprisingly they tell me to go inside and relax.

Once the car is unloaded, Nick and I go into town to find a couple of books to give to Isaac for his birthday, as we’re seeing him tomorrow to make up for missing his birthday. We already have a luxury notebook and pen that we got for him in Menorca, we just want to get him a couple of books to finish off the present.

We wonder round a few bookshops for a while before finding a couple of books that we think will be perfect for him. After paying, we drive back to Nicks, and I sort of end up falling asleep on the way back.

Nick’s POV

On the drive back, Charlie falls asleep with his head resting on the window. The sunset behind gently lights up the tips of his hair making it look more beautiful than it already does.

When I pull up on the drive, he is still sound asleep, so I quietly get out before going round to the passenger door, opening it and carefully carry him inside. I place him on the sofa, before going back out to the car to bring the books for Isaac in.

I take the books up to my room and put them away, before going down into the kitchen to help mum get dinner ready.

“How’s Charlie doing?” mum asks.

“Alright, I think he’s glad to be back home though.”

“That’s understandable, it’s difficult being pregnant – even in the early days.”

We continue cooking dinner in comfortable silence, until mum breaks it. “How are you doing?” she asks.


“How are YOU doing? I feel like I haven’t asked you that since we found out, and I want to know.”

“I … don't know. I guess I’m excited, but also really scared. This could really mess Charlie up, and that’s before the baby comes. Once it comes, I won’t know what I'm doing. Neither will Charlie. And what if I mess up? Then I would have messed up an actual human life, and I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I did that.” As I continue panicking, mum surrounds me with a hug as I start breaking down, crying.

“Hey, it’s ok,” she whispers “And I know you won’t mess up, I think you will be an amazing dad, and so will Charlie. And remember, I’ll be here if you ever need any help, so you wont be on your own, okay?”


“Maybe you should talk to Charlie about how you’re feeling? There’s probably a good chance he’s feeling a similar way.”

“I know, and I want to. I just don't want to worry him even more, or cause him anymore stress, than he’s already feeling.”

“I get that, but what if talking about it helps Charlie, and you, by eliminating some of both your worries, resulting in some of the stress and worry from both of you.”

“Ok, I’ll try.”

We continue prepping dinner, and a few minutes later, Charlie emerges from the living room, and sits down at the table, probably knowing that we would make him sit down if he tried to help.

After dinner we go upstairs, so we can unpack before we go to bed.

While unpacking I talk to Charlie about how I'm feeling, and mum was right, Charlie was feeling a similar way, only he wasn’t sure how to approach the topic or start the conversation. We end up talking about it until we go to bed, and I think we both go to bed feeling better about the future than we did a couple hours prior.

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