Chapter 31 - The Hauser & Wirth Museum

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Date: Sunday 4th August 2024

Charlie’s POV

As I get dressed, it feels weird putting on my maternity shorts rather than my normal ones. The extra stretch of fabric, makes me feel like I have more body to cover up.

Nick has already gone into the kitchen for breakfast, so once dressed I join him at the table with a cup of tea and slice of toast. I make my way through my breakfast and once done everyone goes out to the cars as we have a deadline as to when we need to get to Mahon.

We reach Mahon just in time, so we quickly get out and go to the harbour. We need to get a boat to get to the Hauser & Wirth Menorca Museum, as it’s on an island not to far from the island. We arrive just as boarding starts, and when we get on we find some free seats reasonably close together, and sit down.

I am a little concerned about how my morning sickness could affect this boat trip, as I felt a bit queasy this morning and it still hasn’t fully gone away. I have ginger biscuits at the ready though, but just to be safe I decide to start nibbling on one now.

We make it to the island without any incidences (luckily it was only 15 minutes – I don't think I’ll have lasted much longer) and when we get off we decide to go straight to the gardens.

We spend about 2 hours wondering round the gardens, that have been cleverly designed, before we decide to go to the restaurant for lunch to make sure we get a table before it gets too busy.

Once we’ve been seated in the restaurant we start looking over the menu. I spot that they have seasonal sharing platter with veg, seafood, fish and grilled meats which sounds nice so I ask Nick if he’d be willing to share, which he is so we get that.

When it comes, I make sure to avoid any of the foods I can’t have and I have a nice meal.

After lunch, we have 2 and a half hours until the last ferry back so we decided to go to the galleries and art centre. 

The artwork inside them is stunning, and you can see how much skill and talent all the artists had. We spend just over an hour looking at the artwork before deciding to goo have a look at the Illa del hospital (the islands hospital).

It is an old building with all the old furniture preserved for the tours like these. You get to see all of the old beds, medicine cabinets with the old bottles, and we even got to see an old operating room. When we leave we have half an hour left, before we need to get on the boat back so we decide to make a quick stop at the Basilica paleocristiana illa del rei (Paleochristian basilica King Island) as it was close to the harbour.

During the short time we were there, we got to learn a lot about the history of the island, and by the time it reached 16:25 and we had to go I had gotten really immersed in it all.

We went straight back to the villa as it was too late to go to the beach – although Tilly and Leo still went in the pool – so everyone else just sat poolside until it was time for dinner.

After dinner, we did the usual routine of board games then bed. Tonight we were playing trivial pursuit, only in teams. We put Tilly and Leo on opposite sides to ensure fairness, then Nick and I were on opposites, Rich and Diane were on opposites and David and mum were on opposites as they were the remaining people.

So the teams were: 

Team 1: The Girls and Nick consisting of Nick, Sarah, Diane and Tilly

Team 2: The Boys who were so stupid they didn’t realise they had to come up with a team name consisting of myself, Leo, Rich and David.

The game went well until we got a really hard question which was for our last wedge which none of us had a clue what the answer was. So I said my best guess David lost it and started having a go at me, even though he didn’t know either. This resulted in him and Nick fighting and us having an early night.

A/N: I am not entirely sure when the next update will be as the only reason they have been daily is due to the fact that I wrote more than 1 a day over my Christmas holidays only waited to publish them once a day, however I have not gotten round to writing anymore since. Next update should hopefully be on Saturday (6 days) but it might be sooner or later.

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