Chapter LIV: Emperor for a Day

Start from the beginning

"It's Zion," I announced, feeling a mix of shock and relief. Zion had never shown any interest in being emperor, but it was preferable to Cyn and Celine seizing the throne.

"Thank Astarte," Arthur sighed in relief, while Felipe and Elizor's faces brightened upon hearing the news. Relief rushed upon them as they can now rest the the Empire fell on a great hand.

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The news of the crowning ceremony spread like wild fire not just in Bluistain but also in Yeoris. A letter bearing the Yeoris' emperor fear came in Gleis' territory.

"Seems like our little Emperor is scared." Augustus let out a chuckle as he read through the Emperor's letter, Luca whose reading the latest newspaper of Yeoris just smirked. "Well, they did their part." He said without looking away from the tabloid.

A knock interrupted their small conversation, Pierre entered the room, "Lord Emyr and Caspian are ready to depart." He announced. Both of them stood up promptly and walked out of the office as they have a crowning ceremony to attend to.

Caspian and Emyr, resplendent in their formal attire, stood poised at the entrance of the Gleis manor, awaiting the arrival of the Duke and Luca. "Ready?" The Duke's inquiry hung in the air, met with a solemn nod from Caspian. With that silent affirmation, they embarked on their journey, two carriages cutting through the night toward the heart of the Capital.

As they approached their destination, the bustling streets of the Capital greeted them with an energetic fervor. Nobles adorned in their finest garments mingled amidst the throng, anticipation palpable in the air as they awaited the coronation of their new emperor. But for Augustus, the exuberant atmosphere grated on his nerves. The lively celebrations, the cacophony of music and revelry-it all served to fuel his simmering irritation.

"Everything good, father?" Caspian's inquiry echoed down the long hall of the palace as they made their way forward. Augustus offered a terse nod in response. Together, they passed through the towering doors, entering a vast chamber teeming with nobility from every corner of the empire. Duchy heads dotted the expanse, a testament to the significance of the occasion.

Amidst the grandeur, a live orchestra serenaded the assembled guests with jazz melodies, while a flurry of activity engulfed the hall as maids and servers attended to the needs of the attendees.

Seated in their designated places, the four of them took in the spectacle before them. Luca's gaze swept over the gathered throng, his thoughts drifting to a certain white-haired girl who once graced these very halls.

It had been too long since he last saw her, and he couldn't shake the memory. Despite his best efforts to track her movements, she had vanished without a trace, eluding even his most skilled operatives. But Luca was determined. Amidst the chaos of the present, he harbored a silent vow: he would find Serena, no matter the cost.

Trumpets blared, heralding the commencement of the ceremony. Duke Clox strode confidently toward the podium, his countenance radiating pride as he surveyed the gathered throng.

"Greetings, my brothers and sisters. We stand united today to witness the dawn of a new era, the birth of a revitalized Bluistain," he proclaimed, his words met with resounding applause.

"Celine and Luca are nowhere to be found." Luca's hushed statement reached Augustus and Emyr, who exchanged knowing glances. Prepared though they may be, the absence of Celine and Cyn loomed as an unsettling uncertainty.

Amidst the anticipation, Zion and Liese made their grand entrance, hand in hand, capturing the attention of all present. Murmurs rippled through the room, questions lingering about the princess's unexpected escort of Zion instead of Saoirse. Yet, as Duke Clox resumed his address, the whispers faded into the background, eclipsed by the gravity of the moment.

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