Chapter Nine;

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Owen was at the cantine and Lennox ruffled Owen's hair. "So, a lot on your mind huh?" he asked. "Yeah, and Galloway doesn't seem to like me," Owen said.

Lennox chuckled, tousling Owen's hair affectionately. "Galloway doesn't like anyone who threatens his narrow-minded view of the world. But don't let him get to you, Owen. You're part of this team now, and we've got your back."

Owen smiled gratefully, feeling a sense of camaraderie among the humans and Autobots. "Thanks, Colonel. It's just a lot to take in, you know? Finding out I'm not entirely human and trying to navigate this new world."

Lennox nodded understandingly. "It's a big adjustment, but you'll find your place here. Just be true to yourself and never forget that you have a family here who supports you, no matter what."

Owen felt a surge of warmth and gratitude towards Lennox and the others.

Despite the challenges and uncertainties ahead, he knew that he was surrounded by allies who would stand by him through thick and thin.

And with that realization, he sat down at the table, ready to share a meal with his newfound family – humans and Autobots alike.

Owen overheard Galloway yelling at Optimus for marrying Alice and having Owen with her and Owen was tired of it.

"SHUT UP, Galloway! I know I'm not fully human, it's not their fault, and it's not mine, so stop being prejudiced all because you don't like but I have news for you, I don't like you either so if you're done yelling at my Dad please politely fuck off," Owen said walking away.

"Look what you did Galloway, Owen is only fifteen and you are already making it hard for my son, and he has every right to be angry with you for insulting my family," Optimus said.

"Not my fault, that freak is here," Galloway said. Alice slapped Galloway. "How fucking dare you!" Alice yelled. Galloway scoffed.

"You shouldn't have gotten involved with him romantically, then maybe Owen wouldn't be a freak," Galloway said.

Optimus stepped in between Galloway and Alice, his eyes flashing with anger. "That's enough, Galloway. You have no right to speak to Alice like that, or to insult my son," he said firmly.

Galloway sneered but backed off slightly. "Fine, whatever. Just keep that kid away from me," he muttered before storming off.

Alice turned to Optimus, tears in her eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to cause any trouble," she said softly.

Optimus wrapped his arms around her, comforting her. "You didn't do anything wrong, Alice. Galloway is just a bitter, hateful person. We'll deal with him later. For now, let's focus on Owen and making sure he knows he is loved and accepted, no matter what anyone else says."

Alice nodded, feeling grateful for Optimus's support. Owen saw his parents.

"I understand if you are disappointed in me, it's just that I am tired of him insulting me, and you guys Owen said.

"I must say you are exactly like Alice when you are mad, and I understand you are angry with him, but you did go a little too far but he did deserve it and he had it coming eventually," Optimus said as he patted Owen's leg gently.

Owen's parents looked at each other, then back at Owen.

"We may not agree with your actions, but we understand where you're coming from," his mom said softly. "We just want you to be safe and happy."

Owen nodded, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders. "I promise I'll be more careful in the future," he said sincerely.

His dad smiled and ruffled Owen's hair. "That's all we ask for, son. Just remember, we're always here for you, no matter what."

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