Chapter Six;

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It has been a year since Optimus and Alice got married and Alice is not sure if the feelings she was having were of jealousy or yearning.

Looking at the text message on her phone, she cannot help the bubble of sadness that surrounds her heart. Her cousin was expecting.

And while she felt genuinely excited for her, it made her realize that this, may never be possible for her.

Alice longed for that feeling of finding out she was pregnant, preparing her home, and decorating a nursery for a future little one.

But now that she is married to someone who is an entirely different species from an entirely different planet, her hopes are dwindling.

Exhaling a shaky breath, she sent a text back, telling her how exciting it was and that she could not wait to meet her baby.

If it is even possible or not, the doubts in the back of her mind tell her that Optimus would not have time to raise a child with her. Alice's love has enough on his plate as it is and she doesn't want to place the pressure of being a father on top of everything else, it wasn't fair on him.

So, she flops back on the couch and clutches her phone to her chest. Grieving for something she doesn't have. Optimus made his way through the gates of NEST from a tiring battle with the Decepticons, scratches tattering his tall frame.

Looking around, his optics fall on you. His tenseness disappears when he sees his human. He walks over to her and reaches a servo to her face, caressing her head in a greeting.

The sudden contact made her jump out of her skin. Alice was so caught up in her thoughts and emotions that she failed to realize that Optimus had returned, "Optimus! You're back."

He gives her a soft smile and a nod, "Indeed. How are you, love?" Alice leans into his touch once her heart rate lowers and brings one of her hands up to the servo touching her head, exhaling the breath she had been unconsciously holding, "I'm... good, Optimus."

There is something about her tone of voice and her body language that makes the Prime seem otherwise unconvinced.

Being constantly around one another every day and being the ever so observant bot that he is, Optimus has picked up little patterns and has learned to read her like a book. He knows when she is upset, and right now, he knows something has dampened her mood.

"Is something bothering you?" Optimus gently questions, he moves his servo from her head to scoop you up.

Suddenly, she's face to face with him, bright optics gazing into her chocolate-whiskey brown eyes. Alice cursed his incredibly good observation skills, having no choice now but to tell him what had been on her mind for a long time.

Alice's fingertips lightly graze one of the seams of his servo, "Can we go somewhere private first?"

He nods, holding her close to his chassis as he leaves the main area of the base to walk to their shared hab suite, unsure of what is to come.

He reaches his berth and sits down with her still in his grasp, bringing her up closer to his face plate. "May you share with me what's been on your mind, love?" Optimus questions again.

He notices her nervousness and the way she fidgets in his servo, "You know you can tell me anything."

Alice takes a deep breath and cradles her hands in her lap. She is worried about what he might think, the possibility of rejection running through her mind.

Alice knows that Optimus loves her, but this is such a big step since they got married and will change the course of her life. "My cousin... is having a baby." Alice bites her lip anxiously.

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