
39 1 9

Hey, my preppy princesses 😜😜

"That just means it's working~" You said with a smirk on your face.
"What's working?" Sangwoo had asked, added with a slight head tilt. An adorable fucking head tilt, should I add.
"The Viagra I mixed in there." This was a joke btw. You didn't even make the food :/ So no Viagra. He's just a goofy lil horny man. You do own Viagra, though!
"Viagra? When did you do that?" He had asked, putting his hands together on the table.

"Just kidding. You played a little joke this morning, so I did as well~ I didn't even make this oatmeal, silly."

You squinted your eyes with a teasing grin, taking another slow, seductive bite of your food.

"Damn, Y/N. You're just making this harder and harder, you know that? I would have believed you either way, silly billy~"

Your smile broke and you looked down at your food, blushing.

"Oh, didn't mean to embarrass you, baby. After this, we can go to my house and make as big a mess as we want. I don't mind cleaning up a mess."
Ykw, it's actually uncanny at this point, that Sangy Wangy here can say the most disturbing, blood curdling shit with a straight face.
But anywayss,

"Shit, bet." You smirked and quickly tried to finish your food. Oatmeal is the best shit for breakfast, arguably 🗣️🗣️🔥 "You should finish yours too. You haven't even touched that shit."

I find it very important that I pause here and inform you that I was writing this while my phone is charging, and I have a cheep Android, so once I get to 15% I'm finally allowed to use my flashlight 🗣️🗣️
And when I noticed I was at 15, I stopped writing and turned on my flashlight to prop up my phone and do fucking shadow puppets for like 5 minutes.

Ha, that shit gives off the
"I laik aplthz 🍎🍏🍎🤔🤔 and banAanass🍌🍌 😪😓😦😋😦😧😮🗣️🔥"
"Me too 🤔, bro 🤔, me too 😏"
Kinda vibes, ya feel?
Yeah, you get it.


Sangwoo nodded and bent his head down, leaving his face less than an inch from his bowl while he shovels that shit in.

"Damn, I don't want to sound picky about how you eat, but you should get a chance to taste the food your eating" you had stated, chuckling to yourself afterward.

"Yeah, like you gave me a good tasting last night. Pretty good with your tongue, instead of just sucking like some fucking amateur." Now, this ofc left you a lil flustered, a lil blushy, but you ain't gonna let him see that. Nuh-UHH 🗣️🔥

"Yeah, exactly. I ain't no goddamn AMETUER 🗣️🔥🔥🦅🦅🗣️🍌" You stood up to go place your bowl in the sink, leaving Sangwoo to finish his.

"Damn, this the GOOD brand 🥣🗣️😋" Sangwoo said while GOBBLING his tasty tasty oatmeal. That made you pretty happy, that he said that.
"Damn right it is. I'm not gonna have the same shitty brand everyday." You had said from the kitchen. "Hey, do you want a fucking pop-tart or some shit? I've got more than just oatmeal." You were trying to be nicer, you've honestly been sounding like some rude bitch. We're just lucky he's nice and hasn't gotten mad yet 😜✌

"Some of that fat fucking ass would be nice." Without saying anything, you walked out of the kitchen and over to Sangwoo. You silently looked down at him for a moment, with him just looking back. You bent down and kissed his forehead, "I'll give you that later, at your place~" You had whispered the last part in his ear.
"Damn right. I get what I want." He said with a joking tone, sticking his tongue out.

You smiled and went to your room to grab a different pair of shoes for later. Halfway down the hall, you turned around to talk to Sangwoo.
"That totally was my first time giving head, by the way~"
Before he could respond, you turned back around and headed into your room. This took you a few because you had so many shoes you knocked them over by mistake and had to pick them up.

It Started With A Meal (Sangwoo X Male Reader) Where stories live. Discover now