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As much as you love to just sit and watch the rain fall, the two of you have been sitting for like 30 minutes now and you're like rlly bored, so like a normal person you're getting ready to leave. You stand up and just sexually harass yourself while looking for your phone and shit, patting and groping everywhere bc that's just what you do.

Sangwoo looks up at you and asks "are you leaving??" For a split second your brain stops working. No shit I'm leaving, I don't just casually touch my own ass and crotch and thighs and everything in front of some random dude just cause I felt like it. "Head- shit, I mean yeah. Yeah, I'm going home now." You've got a rlly bad habit of saying random shit when you weren't even thinking of anything anywhere near that subject. Mb I didn't add that before 🤭🤭

"Can I.. Go with you?" The hell? Nahh, what the fuck did he just say 😭😭 you stared at him for like 3 seconds, processing the fact that a stranger just asked to go home with you. You really have like no problem with it, but he was just so forward about it, that it just like hit you like that "have you ever had pinecone jam 🤓🤓" "have you ever had BBQ hammers 😋😋" type shit. "my bad, that sorta came out wrong I guess. Well, no it didn't. But you know what I mean. I just don't want to have to find my way home or have to cook or clean when I get there. I know it's fat and selfish, but I just.. Don't feel like going home. You know??" Oh, yeah that makes a lot more sence than barbeque hammer 🍖🔥🔨

"Yeah, yeah, sure. I'm making burgers tonight, so we met on just the right night" you really just make whatever you want when you want it. You didn't actually have any plans for food, let alone burgers, but you wanted burgers and he looked like he could eat some burgers. "Fuck yeah, I really like burgers." Don't you just love it, watching two grown ass men getting excited over burgers? "That's good, it's gonna have all the good shit on it. Tomatoes, lettuce, fuck onions because they honestly taste like shit. But ketchup, and Mayo, and mustard, and just everything." I'm sorry, I don't like onions. They don't taste good and they hurt to cut and shit. I just hate onions. Not green onions though, I fucking love a good miso soup. Whatever, whatever, enough about me, I yapp too much. "That sounds amazing. You got beer at your place too?"

"only the freshest, coldest, crispyest Coronas to go with those fine ass buns. Oh shit, yeah the burgers too!" You jokingly said while glancing at his ass. You're so fucking weird, you know that?? So am I though, I'm writing this.

"Haha, you're funny. You lead that way, I don't know where you live man."
Blah bla blegfjwgusjgdlhcjtncwbsghsf, you're home :33

You're home.
I'm not writing some goofy shit about the walk home. The 300 words on burgers was enough.

"shit, this side of town is.." "Shitty, yeah. The inside looks a bit better though!" You opened the door, holding it open for him to go in first "just take your shoes off, or you're cleaning the fucking carpet" he took his shoes off and stood a few feet from the door while you did the same shoe shit process.

"You want help making the burgers?" Wow, people never offer to help you cook, You thought you'd be cooking by yourself forever. "Uhh, yeah, I'd like that. I'd actually really like that, can you start by turning on the stove? The bottom right one, I always use that one." "Yeah, yeah. You want me to get the veggies out too?" "Yeah man, I'll go get the meat from down stairs." When you went down stairs to get the meat, you also had to deal with something else. Something you hadn't told him about..

You had..




A dog. You just had a cute little Doberman you went to feed. Not like any abuse shit, what's wrong with you?? you keep him down there because he eats your fucking food off the counter while you're out walking and then shits and pukes on the carpet flooring. Hmm, sounds a lot like my dog. German Shepherds, aren't what they cracked up to be, man. ANYWAYS, you bring up the meat and bring the dog upstairs with you.

It Started With A Meal (Sangwoo X Male Reader) Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin