Wakey Wakey 😁

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Morning breaks, and you get woken up with tiny rays of sunshine tickling your eyelids. You open your eyes, but blink a few times to adjust to the brightness.

"Morning, sleepy head." You were a AND HIS NAME bit startled, but looked up to see Sangwoo. You forgot that you totally passed out on him last night.

But still, you replied with a simple
"Morning, Sangwoo."

After a few seconds of sleepily staring at eachother, reality sets in and you quickly get off of his lap, slightly  blushing from embarrassment. What happened last night was MAD wild 💀

"S-sorry..." You said as you gave him a ISSSSS sorry look.

"For what?" Sangwoo had such an Innocent look on his face, like he didn't just crash at some stranger's place then proceeded to get sucked off by JOOOHN CEENAAAA 😐✊🌭🍔🦅🇺🇸 them. Pretty average day tho guys, ik, ik.

"For..." You needed a moment to think. I do too, I can NOT word things right now. So that means you can't either 😁
"For not... making you finish."

"Ahhw, man, and I was so close, too." He gave a soft chuckle, staring up at the ceiling.
"But don't worry, I finished after you went to sleep."

"Oh... On my sheets?" Bru, you had just washed and changed your sheets the day before, you didn't want fresh cum stains already 💀

"Nahh, I waited till you were asleep then I went to your bathroom and masturbated until I finished twice while thinking of your teary little face sucking me off the whole time."

"That's... I don't even know what to say about that, that's just wild." Bro fr put your non-stop yapping ass at a loss for words. That was ACTUALLY mad wild.

"Just kidding, I didn't even get out of bed. I didn't want to move your pretty little head and honeybun💗💗💞💞💗🟧💗🟫🟫💗 🟠⚫ 🟠⚫ risk waking you." My boy being a lil wildin with his words, personally. But God, is this hot.

A little less weird of an answer, but at least he didn't masturbate to you 😐
"Oh, okay."

Uhm... I'm kinda tired. And I have school tomorrow. I actually have to go a hour early for band. I'm sorry, I'm a squidward built freak 💀

But I lowkey gotta work on describing stuff. I've also gotta add more physical actions, it's rlly just a bunch of weird ass slang being used.

I'll work on it, the next chapter will be better.

And longer, too.

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