Last night he texted me to get ready by two— wouldn't tell me where we were going though said it was something simple, relaxing but nice. Exactly when it was two—my phone rang that he was outside. I looked over at Denver asking. "Are you okay alone?" I asked Denver, and he brushed me off.

"I'll be fine. I'll go explore the city a little more—do some shopping for my room," he grinned ear to ear. "Text me if you need anything."

"Will do." I grabbed my purse and walked out the doors—looking down at my outfit. It was simple but the thought of Harry finding it ugly—or even me—rang in the back of my head.

Dressed in sleek dark blue jeans and a snug brown cardigan, I stepped out, my hair flowing down in smooth, straight locks. Taking a deep breath, I walked outside, my eyes immediately spotting Harry, who exuded effortless charm, clad in a fitted black button-up and jeans, his casual style oozing undeniable allure against the backdrop of the evening.

Harry leaned against the passenger side of the door, his attention seemingly lost in his phone until my presence commanded his gaze. His face lit up instantly, bathed in the golden glow of the sun, his emerald eyes sparkling with captivating intensity.

"Hi," he whispered, his smile radiant as he appraised me. "You look beautiful." His words sent a rush of warmth through me, and I couldn't resist returning his smile, feeling my cheeks flush with heat under his gaze.

"Hi," I whispered, biting my inner cheeks trying to control my smile and the way my heart thumped in my chest with his words. Of course, he found me beautiful. I can wear a sack on my head and he'll think I'm insanely beautiful.

"How are you?" He asked, looking down at Sunlea and picking her up from my arms, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Oh, my sweet sunbeam—how are you today?" Sunlea smiled, to which Harry grinned. "Aren't you the prettiest baby ever." I smiled harder watching their interactions.

He's always so gentle.

Sunlea was wearing a cute pink jumper, complemented by delicate white long sleeves layered beneath. Her short hair was neatly gathered into a small ponytail, and she was wearing the cutest socks ever that looked like shoes.

"Are the girls inside?" I asked anxiously, attempting to look through the tinted windows but failed.

"No," he replied, softly at me. "I have to pick them up from school—thought you might like to come. They've also gotten themselves into trouble, so I need to find out what happened." He sighed heavily.

I nodded. "Do they get in trouble constantly?"

"Marcey does—kids are always picking on Azri, so she's always there to defend her," he explained, a slight frown creasing his brow, mirroring my own concern. "But this time, it's Azriela who's in trouble, so I need to have a word with the teacher I believe."

I nod. "Do you know why they get picked on?" I asked, and Harry just stared at me, shaking his head. He was lying—I knew exactly the way he lied now. He knew exactly why the girls got picked on, and a part of me wondered why he wasn't telling me.

I frown watching him take a step towards the back seat. "I also got Sunlea a car seat." He opens the back seat revealing a car seat right in the middle of both Marceline and Azriela's car seats.

"I'm already in the process of buying a bigger car to fit the girls—it's already bought just finalizing some papers," he rambles. "It's two seats in the middle and then a back row. Thought I'll put the twins in the back and Sunlea can go in the front and there's a space available for you in the back if you ever have to." He rambles his words, scratching the back of his head.

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