Chapter 5

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After school, I loiter by the Leapmaster. Stina has to go talk to the Council about her new assignment which Maruca has started calling Project Alicorn. Maruca's busy studying for midterms even though they're over a month away; she wants to pass really badly.

As for me, I'm not in any rush to go home. Mom's having one of her bad days today. I know I should be there for her, taking care of her, but I just can't right now. That seems so selfish and I feel bad, not wanting to spend time with my mom. 

Today was just hard.

The adrenaline rush I got from refusing to help Sophie and her friends wore off less than five minutes into my Universe session. School isn't my strong suit, but I get by. Maybe if I had more time to study, I'd understand what I'm learning, but I spend most of my time at home making sure my mother is safe and feeling her best.

Sophie and her friends kept giving me weird looks in the halls. Well, at least they're noticing me, I thought after Fitz side-eyed me while I was getting my books from my locker.

I seriously don't know why I ever liked him. He's such a stuck up brat. He doesn't realize how good he has it as a Vacker.

"Hey, Marella."

A voice pulls me out of my thoughts. I look up to see Dex standing in front of me. He has a small, cautious smile on his face.

"Hi, Dex," I say, looking up at him. I'm sitting on a bench and he's standing, and suddenly I feel so small and useless compared to him in this position. I stand. "Do you need something?"

Out of all of them, I like Dex the best. He used to hang out with me when I was still friends with Sophie. Even now that she's ditched me, he still says hi and tries to have conversations. Unfortunately, his friends always drag him away, so he never has the chance.

Glancing over his shoulder, he says, "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I used you. We've been friends for a long time and I should have treated you better. I'm sorry."

My emotions gentle, no longer a tidal wave of fury and betrayal. I'm about to say something nice to try to preserve this friendship when I catch a glimpse of a group of people staring at us. Focusing on them, I recognize Sophie and her friends. So that's what he was looking at a few seconds ago. The fury and betrayal I was feeling earlier come rushing back.

"They put you up to this, didn't they?" I nod towards them.

Dex pales and scrambles to say something. "No--I--They--We--" He takes a breath. "I really am sorry. We all are."

I roll my eyes. "You know, I don't believe you. You can tell them that I'm not changing my mind. None of us are."

With that, I lift my home crystal to the light and leap away.


Fluttermont, my home, glitters into view. An immense wave of relief washes over me. I'm so glad to be home, away from the Moonlark and her friends.

I walk in, careful not to make too much noise. Sometimes, loud, unexpected noises can make Mom freak out and that's not a good thing for her to do, especially on a bad day.

Inside, the house is still. Usually, Mom is milling around, mumbling to herself incoherently. I look around, confused. "Dad? Mom?" 

My voice echoes in the large house. I wince, worried I'm going to upset Mom, but no panicked sounds come from anywhere. Worried, I go to the kitchen, hoping to find Dad there, preparing a late lunch for himself. 

Instead, I find a note on the island. 

Took Caprise to Elwin. Will be home late. Love you!

I let out a sigh of relief. I'm not sure what I was expecting to have happened, but I'm glad it isn't anything bad. 

I look around, suddenly hungry now that I'm in the kitchen. After rummaging around, I find myself some old mallowmelt. I bite into one and grimace slightly. It's stale and it doesn't taste quite right, but it'll have to do. I don't have the energy to make myself a meal and we probably don't have any other food lying around.

Both my dad and I have made a bad habit of not eating enough. We spend so much time taking care of Mom that we forget. When we do remember, whatever we make is finished off quickly between the two of us, nothing left to save for the next day.

I remember, there was a week where I survived off of mood candy because Mom was having a bad week. Stina had to lock me in her room until I actually ate a full meal.

Carrying my plate to my room, I sneak a glance into my father's study. The desk is strewn with papers and everything is in disarray. There was a time when he was super tidy and organized, but that all went to pieces when Mom fell off a balcony.

When I get to my room, I plop onto my bed. Sometimes I wonder what my life would be like if Mom never got hurt. 

Stop, I tell myself. Don't think that.

It's hard not to think about it, but when I do, I spiral. Thoughts race through my head, imagined memories floating around in my mind.

I roll onto my back and close my eyes, giving in to the thoughts. The plate of mallowmelt on my stomach, I slip into sleep, dreaming of myself living a different life, one my mother could've been part of.

word count: 939

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