Chapter 4

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The next day at lunch, Sophie and her group approach us. 

As they do, I look at my friends and roll my eyes. When they get to our table, I paste on a fake smile.

"Yes?" I say, looking up at them. 

Sophie sits next to me, looking me in my eyes. I slide over to the next seat to put more space between us. She glances at the now-empty seat before saying: "We need your help."

Maruca looks at her food. Under her breath, she mutters, "Of course you do."

Biana gives her a look. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Maruca shifts her gaze to her ex-best friend, her back straightening. "It means, that you guys only ever talk to us when you need us for a mission or something."

"That's not true," Sophie says. But from the glances everyone in her group are giving each other, they all know it is.

Maruca stands up, looking down at Sophie. "I speak for all three of us when I say that we're not helping you anymore."

Sophie turns to Stina, desperate. "What about Team Valiant? And the nobility? If you won't help me, the Council will kick you off."

Stina flashes her a sickly sweet smile. "I've already talked to them. They said that I could leave Team Valiant as long as I helped them on a top-secret project. Hint: it involves alicorns."

The group look shocked. None of them have anything to say. They can't argue because they know we're right. 

"I think you should be leaving," Maruca says, motioning away from our table. The friend group begrudgingly moves back to their table, a few of them glancing over their shoulders at us.

I smile. Not because we'd just did something I'd been dreaming about for ages, but because Maruca stood up for herself. As long as I've known her, she's always been very down whenever Biana was around. I was so proud of her for defending herself


Word Count: 320 Words

Sorry for the really short chapter! And for not posting in forever. I've been really busy with school and I kinda forgot about Wattpad. I'll try to post more. 

Bye loves! Thanks for reading!

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