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   "I'll check over here!" A tiefling with red hair and dark red horns called out to the group she was with. A small noncommittal noise from the brown haired male with a beard was heard, he didn't seem to mind what she did. She ran over, spotting a male with white hair and sharp ears.
   "Excuse me, sir-" She was cut off by his deadly movements. In an instant she was on the dirt with a blade against her neck, fear painted her face.
   "Speak another word and I'll cut your throat, dear." His voice was interesting, deep, mysterious. It made her feel things, but that's beside the point. She swallowed hard, looking up at his shockingly ruby red eyes.
   "I just need to ask a question, kind sir." The tiefling said softly, recognizing he's an elf. Or something close to an elf. She carefully pushed the knife away from her neck, drawing her own dagger.
   It was a peculiar blade, having carved in eyes on it. The eyes seemed to be stained a blood red, but why? The elven male picked up on the smell of the blood being stale, but that's another thing for another time. He glared at the tiefling, "What is it?" His knife was put away and he stood up, brushing his pants off.
   The tiefling tucked her dagger back into its holster, grinning at him, "My name's Felyz Flare, me and five others had been on a ship and had things called tadpoles put into our heads. We'd like to know, well I'd like to know, if you had the same thing done to you.. and if you'd like to travel alongside us?"
   The elven male scoffed, rolling his eyes once more, "Astarion Ancunin. And I have. I'll tag along, but as soon as I get this retched thing out my head I'll leave."
   Felyz gasped excitedly, stimming slightly. She was glad he said yes, "Good! Come on, Astarion!" The tiefling tugged him along. This is his life now, alright. Maybe he can live with this, maybe... He'll see.

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