Chapter 7: Sundays

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"Come on Uncle!" Nusi yelled. "We're goanna be late!" She yelled again. Her uncle walked out of his bedroom still fixing his tie.

"I'm coming," he called back, his tie kind of off centered. "You don't have to yell," he said in a quiet voice. Her Uncle had been out late last night and had a little too much to drink. His head was just a bit fuzzy at the moment, and he really didn't want to be up this early. Nusi ran over to him and started fixing his tie.

"It's Sunday Uncle!" Nusi said in a loud voice, which made him squint his left eye a bit. "Come on!" She yelled, "WE DON'T WANT TO BE LATE!" She yelled again. He rubbed his temple as they walked down the steps to the sidewalk. Standing there was Mr. and Mrs. Chew, Kwan, Kwans little sister and brother, and Mr. Lee and Ms. Heejin. Every Sunday they all walk to church together. Nusi loved this day. Nusi always dreamed of being a part of a big family, and in her mind, this was it. Mr. Lee was adopted into her ready-made family once she started working for him. He was reluctant to go with them to church, since Sundays were the days, he spent drinking and fishing. However, Nusi would never let it go until he gave in and went with them. Mr. Chew was a huge man, as wide as a mountain and as tall as an oak tree. He was the strongest man in the whole village and the nicest too. Mrs. Chew was a tall shapely woman. She had long black hair that shined like silk in the morning sunlight. Her eyes were shaped like almonds and were the color of chestnuts. Together they made quite the couple, something you would see in a magazine. Soo and Tae, Kwans siblings, were twins and were 6 years old. Mrs. Chew always said they were a gift from God, since she wasn't supposed to be able to have any more children after Kwan. Kwans family owned the biggest fleet of fishing boats in the area. They settled here because Mr. Chews family was from this village and Mrs. Chew fell in love with it when he brought her here to meet his family, and the rest is Chew history. Ms. Heejin lived in the house on the corner. Ms. Heejin, in Nusis eyes was everything a woman should be. Her hair, her voice, her dress, always perfect. Smart, funny, humble. She cooked, cleaned, worked, gardened, fished, she did it all. Nusi always thought to herself that one day she would be just like Ms. Heejin. Nusi knew her uncle liked Ms. Heejin a lot, and they were always together. She always dreamed that Uncle and Heejin would marry one day, and they all would be a happy family.

"Are we ready?" Her uncle said. They all nodded as they started down the street towards church. Nusi was wearing a flowered white dress, with white sandals. The cool ocean breeze felt good on her legs. Her hair was down and gently laying around her face. Her gold cross hung around her neck. Nusi always walked with purpose, shoulders back and head held high, which made her look taller than she was. She had an air about her, an almost regal appearance. Which for some reason, always worried her uncle. He tried and tried to get her to blend in more, but to no avail. She was the kind of girl that made heads turn. Kwan was always by her side, like they were the king and queen of the world, and in their minds they were. As they walked, everyone they saw waved to them and they waved back. They rounded the corner and there was the church.

"NARI!" Nusi screamed as she and Kwan ran off. Kwan not being able to keep up. Nusi hugged Nari as they started spinning faster and faster. Kwan tried to get in on it but was knocked down by the two girls as they spun. Stopping and looking down at Kwan, they all three laughed. With one hand Mr. Chew lifted Kwan off the ground with a smile.

"Settle down," Mrs. Chew said as they all headed into the church. They all took their respected seats as the mass began. Stand, sit, kneel, sing, Nusi loved it.

"Mass has ended, now go in peace." The priest said. Nusi always felt sad at this point, knowing she wouldn't be back until next Sunday.

"Come on Nusi," her uncle said. "Next Sunday will be here before you know it."

"OK." Nusi said with a frown, as she got up and walked out. Just then Nusi remembered Nari was back. "NARI!" She screamed again. She ran over to Nari, hugged her and the two girls started spinning again. Kwan tried to get in on it and ended up on the ground. Mr. Chew picked him up again, laughing. They all walked down to Ms. Heejins home. Each Sunday they took turns hosting Sunday dinner and this week it was Heejins turn.

Heejin went into the house while the rest started getting the yard ready. Tables were unfolded and wiped off. Umbrellas were put up and opened. Lights were strung above the patio. In the kitchen, all sorts of foods were being prepared. Pork, beef, chicken, seafood, vegetables, noodles, and rice. The smells permeated the whole village. Tables were set, drinks put on ice, and the food was being brought out to the tables. At last, everything was ready, and they all sat down for their meal. Mr. Lee stood, bowed his head, and gave the blessing. They went around the table and each in turn said what they were thankful for. They all said Amen, and the Sunday feast was on its way, talking and laughing the whole time. Mrs. Chew always asking for the recipes as she made the twins their plates. Mr. Chew reliving glory days as Mr. Lee smiled and nodded while he ate. Heejin always sat next to uncle as he ate, and she would softly ask if this or that was ok. What would he like to eat next week, did he need a drink, and before he ever got an answer out, she was up getting him something. Nusi often wondered why they never had gotten married but was always too afraid to ask. She would love it if the were married, then she would know uncle would have someone to care for him after she moved away. Kwan was piling food on three plates as Nusi and Nari were catching up on lost time. Just then, Mr. and Mrs. Paik and their children walked up into the yard.

"I made all this extra food, and I thought we would bring some for you, Ms. Heejin. No sense letting it go to waste," Mrs. Paik said with a smile. Heejin said laughing,

"Bring it in and eat with us and bring the rest of the Paik clan with you."

They all made their greeting as the joined the feast. This happened every Sunday, and it usually only took about forty minutes before the whole village was there. The day was growing long, as the adults were talking, and the kids were playing. While the drinks were flowing, and the food was endless. Teenagers were dancing and singing the latest pop songs, while the old people were telling stories of times gone by. Babies where being passed around and rocked, while others were making trips to the kitchen for more food or taking dishes in to be cleaned. Just then a loud scream broke through, and everyone's attention was on a small girl. She had tripped and skinned her knee. Old women kissed and hugged her, while the men said to each other, "She's alright." They carried her to her mother's awaiting arms, welcoming her with kisses and a loving hug. The child forced her head deep into her mother's chest as she slowly stopped crying. Her mother rocked her as a band aid was being placed on her knee, and the party slowly started back up, except for Nusi. Nusi sat there, staring off into the sea. A single tear rolled down her face, then another and another.

Kwan asked, "Are you ok Nusi?"

She said nothing as she stared at the sea, tears now falling from her eyes like a river. "What's wrong Nusi?" Nari said in a panicked voice, as she jumped up to get her mother. Kwan put his hand on Nusi's shoulder, and she laid her head on his hand.

"What's wrong my Nusi?" Kwan asked softly. "Tell me and I will try to make it better." Kwan said in a now very concerned voice. Nusi turned and pushed her head onto his shoulder as her sobs could now be heard throughout the whole party. People whispered while women went up to her and were patting her on her back and asking what was wrong. Naris' mother came over and asked,

"What is it Nusi? Why are you crying?"

"Nothing," Nusi said. "Nothing is wrong."

"Then why are you crying?" Naris's mother said again. Nusi picked her head up from out of Kwans shoulder and with tears running down her face, she said in a trembling voice that was loud enough for the whole party to hear,

"I don't have a mother." Naris' mother looked at her, tears now flowing from her eyes too. She said in a broken voice,

"Oh, my poor little Nusi. I am your mother, and so is Mrs. Chew, And Ms. Heejin, and Mrs. Paik," and before she could finish each woman in turn stood up and professed that they were her mother too. Each getting up and going over to Nusi, giving hugs and kisses. At that point, Mr. Chew, having a little too much to drink and a red face said,

"And I'm your mother too." Everyone stopped and looked at him. "I mean," he said feeling the eyes of the village on him, "you know what I mean." As he sat down feeling embarrassed. Her uncle walked slowly up to Nusi, and with a smile said,

"I might not have been able to give you a mother, so I gave you a village instead. I love you with all my heart Nusi." He said as he raised his glass. "This one's for our Nusi!" He yelled. Everyone young and old, big and small raised a glass too Nusi.

"NUSI! NUSI! NNUUUSSIII!" The tears stopped. The smile came back on her face, and the party continued late into the night. Nusi thought to herself, "I am the luckiest girl in the world," and she thanked God for it.

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