How to Plan a Wedding (Gone Wrong) 💕

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Characters: Platonically married Bench Trio

TW: None, just pure fluff

Oh, and raccoon-hybrid Tommy cause why not. Yes, Tommy is the bride because how could he not be?

He/Him pronouns for Ranboo

Listened to Head Over Feet by Alanis Morissette while writing this

The thud of a book hitting the table is what alerts Tommy to Tubbo's presence.

"Prime, man-" Reeling back, the blonde puts a hand over his chest before glancing down at the book. "What's this for?"

Tubbo fixes him with a deadpan stare before turning the book so the cover faces towards Tommy, who blinks at the words How To Plan a Wedding staring him in the face. "I couldn't help but notice that despite our proposal, us three aren't quite married yet, bossman."

"So you got this to... tell us how to make a wedding?"

"More or less," Tubbo confirms with a so-so hand gesture, "Now where's Ranboo? He needs to see this too."

"Dunno, think he's with Michael." Tommy grabs the book and opens it to the table of contents, balking at the long list of wedding-related topics. "Surely we don't need all of this, do we?"

"Nah, but I thought it could help us figure out where to start," Tubbo says, briefly placing a hand on Tommy's shoulder and squeezing in a sign of affection, "I'm gonna go hunt down Ranboo and tell him what's up." With that he sweeps from the room in search of the ender hybrid.

Tommy opens the book again. Planning a wedding, huh?

Well, it's probably better than his previous plan of just winging it.


The first thing Tommy feels the next morning is annoyance, caused by the beam of sun shining through the window and directly onto his closed eyelids.

Chittering sleepily to himself, the raccoon hybrid buries his face into the pillow and promptly falls back into a half-sleep- the bed sinks down beside him as someone sits down on the edge, but he doesn't let it wake him up.

Eventually the person moves closer to him, and too tired for banter, Tommy doesn't protest when they wrap their arms around his waist and haul him into their lap- it's only when a cold nose presses against his cheek that he startles awake with a high-pitched squeak.

"What the f- Ranboo!" Tommy yelps, squirming around to face the laughing ender hybrid with a glare. "You bastard!"

"Good morning, sunshine!" Ranboo grins, somehow looking perfectly energized at ten in the morning. "How was your sleep?"

"Would be better if someone let me sleep in."

With a jokingly offended expression, Ranboo pulls back to fully look at him. "Wh- Well, I didn't mean to wake you up! I need my Tommy cuddles to function!"

Ears flicking, Tommy turns his head to stare up at the older boy with a deadpan expression. "Then perish."

"Oh come on, I can literally hear you purring up a storm over there!"

"Yeah, yeah, just let go of me you big oaf-" Tommy cuts himself off when he sees Ranboo's eyes brighten with that familiar mischievous look he knew too well ever so slightly. "Don't you fuckin'-"

Just in time to save Tommy from death by totally non-consensual tickling, the door creaks open to reveal a fondly exasperated Tubbo. "Am I interrupting something?"

"Tubs, save me!" Tommy begs, reaching out towards the brunette. Tubbo's mouth twitches into a smile before he strides over and easily plucks Tommy from Ranboo's grasp, setting him down at the other end of the bed. As usual, the blonde is struck silent for a moment at Tubbo's inexplicable strength before snapping himself out of it.

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