Your Adoring Brother 💔

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Characters: Allium Duo, mentioned Bedrock Bros.

TW: Implied abuse, description of a decapitated head, vomiting


The green butterfly that was perched on Tommy's finger flew away at the shrill voice making him huff in annoyance. It took him almost two hours of waiting in his garden for him to get it to land on him, and now all his hard work was for nothing.

He really needed to set some personal boundary rules about visitors showing up unannounced.


"What?!" He snapped. He was about to rip the newcomer a new one, but relaxed slightly when his eyes met the warm violet of one of his best friends. "Oh, hey, Ranboo. And I thought I was the one that made loud entrances."

The barely concealed insult was brushed off completely by Ranboo who had the most pleased expression that Tommy had ever seen on him before.

His traveling cloak was unbuckled on one shoulder, and his face was flushed a deep purple, like he had just run a race. Despite his mussed up appearance, you would think he just won an award by happy he was.

"Hey Toms! Look, I picked up a package, a gift if you will, from a certain someone. I helped him get it!" Ranboo rushed out, preening a little at the last sentence. "Here, I got to see it and I know you'll just love it!"

A large package was pushed into Tommy's arms before he could even get a word in. It was presented quite nicely, golden wrapping paper with small shards of emerald decorating it, a ribbon of pure gold sheets tying it all together. Tommy was suddenly hyper aware of how dirty his hands were from digging in his garden all morning.

The size and weight of it was a little concerning, especially when he shook it he could feel something rolling around inside. He knew of quite a few people who would want to send him some explosive as a cruel joke, but Ranboo said he helped picked it, so that should make it okay, right?

"Heh, thanks big man, you know I just love receiving gifts. By the way, who sent it?" Tommy asked, trying to sound grateful and totally not suspicious at all.

It was true, he did like receiving gifts, as long as he knew who they were from and if they could be trusted that is. "Just making sure it won't explode in my face or something, you know," he chuckled wryly, trying to play off his nervousness as a joke.

Ranboo waved off his question, instead digging around in the pocket of his coat, before pulling out an unmarked letter. The seal was as golden as the package, and Tommy shivered despite the summer heat. He had seen that seal before, but he couldn't quite place it.

"He told me he wanted you to open the gift first, but I'll read the letter for you. Just a few words to convey his care," the enderman explained, unfolding the letter. "Don't worry about what's inside, okay? Nothing will hurt you, Tommy, never again."

Tommy swallowed, his anxiety spiking tenfold. "Um, okay. You can-you can start reading it." Ranboo absolutely beamed at his request, clearing his throat a bit before starting.

"Hello, Tommy. It has been a while since we've seen each other. How are you? I hope those little friends of your are treating you well."

Shaky fingers began to unravel the bow, his stomach flipping uncomfortably. Usually he didn't mind Ranboo's soft voice, but now it was grating against his sensitive ears. The bow slipped off, landing on the ground, dirt gathering on its edges.

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