Needle and Thread 💔

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Characters: Tommy and Niki

TW: Religious themes, self hate(?)

Tommyinnit loves to sew.

You might think this untrue if you met the once boisterous, loud, and aggressive teen.

"Tommy doesn't have the patience to sew!" "Tommy isn't creative enough to sew!"
"Tommy is too reckless to ever sew something half decent!"

Old Tommy would tell you to "eat shit and die" and probably say he was a "big man."

But now, Tommy was just tired.

Sewing, knitting and embroidery had always been a way to relax for Tommy. During the L'manberg war, Tommy made all the uniforms and the flag.

During his time in Pogtopia, his only escape from Wilbur's mad ravings was the rhythmic up and down, in and out of the needle.

During exile, Tommy could never have a creative outlet. He never even had enough materials to attempt a project.

Now, the warmth of Church Prime is a welcome one, and the comfort of sitting on the pews with a needle and thread in his hand made it even better.

Tommy has always been religious. Church prime has always been the one constant in his life. During his first exile with Wilbur, he spent many sleepless nights praying for something better. If he started praying for Wilbur's sanity near the end, well, that was no one's business.

The brown beaded rosary around his neck hangs freely, whereas it would usually be hidden under his shirt (lest he get another harsh comment from Will).

He adjusts the sleeves of his knitted blue sweater, revealing his fully bandaged arms, and wrapped fingers.

He's currently working on embroidery for a sweater he's making Tubbo; it's a simple beige sweater with a bee emblem and a ring of daffodils around it.

He's humming to himself and ignoring the pain in his back from bending over when he hears an annoyed huff from behind him.

His head snaps up instantly (he hates how jumpy he is now).

By the entrance to the church is none other than Niki.

She has a barely concealed grimace on her face, and her pink hair is in a tight bun.

"I didn't expect you to be here" she makes a poor attempt to hide the venom in her voice.

Look, Tommy's not stupid; contrary to popular belief, he is aware of his surroundings... most of the time.

He knows Jack and Niki were trying to kill him. At first, it hurt, but Tommy understands; he wouldn't want him around either.

Tommy just shrugs, and she responds with a sneer.

"What are you even doing here? Didn't think you of all people would be at church."

"I could say the same thing to you," Tommy re-adjusts his barrette to hold back his flop of white hair and goes back to his embroidery.

Niki raises an incredulous eyebrow and peers over the blond's shoulder.

"Are you... sewing?" Niki sounds almost shocked.

Tommy bristles "Yeah? What about it?!"

"Nothing, I just figured you would have abandoned it by now."

Tommy can feel his anger building, "No, Niki, I haven't. I'm not a big fan of abandoning things or people." he mumbles the last bit to himself, quietly seething.

Niki scoffs and turns toward one of the many altars in the church.

"Just try to be quiet, ok? I know that's hard for you, but I'm trying to worship in silence" she crouches down on her knees and clasps her own silver rosary between her hands.

Tommy hates the quiet; he always has, that's why he always talks so much. In exile, he developed the habit of talking to himself, and he still has yet to kick it.

Luckily Niki is mumbling to herself, and Tommy is softly humming, so it's bearable for now.

After about 5 minutes of Tommy repeating the simple feather stitch, he hears Niki stand and turns to her once more.

As she gathers her things, she gives him a weird look "Why are you even here again? You've never been the biggest believer in Mother Prime."

Well, Niki is just flat-out wrong. He was the first to say they should build a church in Mother Primes' honor. So sue him for not going around preaching about it, he doesn't like the thought of people knowing about something dear to him. When he was younger, he liked to think she was watching over him, protecting him.

What a bunch of bull-shit.

He still very much believed in her and her light, but now he just realized he doesn't deserve to be protected; Tommy can't blame the Mother for ignoring him. He deserves it, after all.

Of course, he doesn't say all this, so instead, he just shrugs and pulls his sleeves down, snuggling into his cardigan.

"I like to be alone" that is part of the reason. People mean questions, talking and sometimes even touching (Prime forbid). But another factor is how calming it is to be protected in the holy land, to be safe for once in his life.

Niki scoffs. "Really? Never thought you'd be one to like personal space."

Tommy wants to scream and yell to the world how he hates being around people now because of how afraid he is that they'll get hurt or even leave; everyone does eventually.

Instead, he just grits his teeth and goes back to his work.

He hears retreating footsteps, but he pays them no mind.

He focuses back on the up-down of the needle, ignoring the silent tears that roll down his sunken cheeks.

He's so tired, and he knows if he addresses the tears, it'll just worsen, so he leaves his mind, letting his body fall into the rhythm, the in and out centring him.

Tommyinnit loves to sew.

Tommy sewing is my new favorite headcanon and I shall be using it to my advantage.
Hope you enjoyed! 💕 Comments fuel me if you did :D

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