I Can't See You If I Turn The Other Way 💕

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Characters: O!smp Allium Duo

TW: None, just fluff

He/him pronouns for Ranboo


In his defense, it was cold. Could he have worn a
jacket, or a thicker sweater, or something that
was actually his? Sure. Was he going to do that?
Absolutely not. Why should he need to when
Ranboo's cape was right there?

The enderman was taller, too, so the cape was
bound to be just the right length to wrap around
Tommy, and he bets it'll be exactly just
comfortable enough.

Tommy's been eyeing it for weeks now, unable to
get the thought of wrapping it around his
shoulders and engulfing himself in the warmth
out of his mind.

When he leaves his house, after a message to
meet everyone in the Pub(e), Tommy frowns as a
breeze makes him shiver. It was really cold. His
wings shake slightly as they try to wrap around
him - try to provide as much protection from the
weather as possible. He's only a few feet from his
house, and yet, he only pauses for a moment
before realizing what he can do instead.

With a self-satisfied smile, Tommy swivels and
speed walks to Ranboo's little cave - what an ugly
home. Maybe it's a little aesthetic, or a lot pretty,
but Tommy's definitely not telling Ranboo that.
It's ugly, if the other boy asks.

The thought that Ranboo's wearing the cape does
cross his mind, but he figures it's late enough,
and the gathering at the Pub(e) is relaxed
enough, that Ranboo probably left it back home.

He walks into the cave and stands in the middle
of the open space, scanning the area. The cape is
easy enough to place - haphazardly thrown on
the bed. Tommy rolls his eyes; Ranboo complains
about how 'expensive' and 'delicate' the cape is
almost on an everyday basis - Jack literally has a
counter of how many times Ranboo brings it up
and yet it's crumpled on the bed. Tommy always
knew the enderman was a lying, pretentious little

Even though he suspects the cape isn't as delicate
as Ranboo claims, Tommy handles it gently
curling his fingers around the soft, thick material
gingerly, slowly lifting the long-long-long fabric
off the bed and holding it up before him. Fuck
Ranboo for being so tall, honestly.

Ignoring the hesitant embarrassment, Tommy
brings the cape to his face and gently nuzzles it
it's so soft. Slowly, so very slowly, Tommy wraps
it around his shoulders, letting it pool around his

The tempting, almost irresistible, urge to just curl
up in bed with the cape around him overwhelms
him for a moment - he breathes in deeply, and
almost cries as Ranboo's scent envelopes him.

Tommy is an avian, and the instincts of his
genetics are not something he's above; he loves to
surround himself with his friends' and family's
scents, clothes, belongings - loves the physical
evidence of their closeness. His nest is overfilling
with his loved ones' scents, and he adores it -
nothing makes him calmer, nothing makes him
feel safer.

He takes one last deep inhale, and turns towards
the exit.

He only stumbles on the extra fabric around his
feet a few times - he's tall, okay, he's just not
Ranboo tall. That freak. It's a struggle to climb
the ladder up to the Pub(e), though it is funny to
peer down and see the cape sway behind him.

He huffs as he fixes the cape around his
shoulders, tugging until it's sitting right, and
does his best to smooth down the grin spreading
across his face, before opening the door and
walking in.

Phil, across the large place, is the first face he
sees - the man cocks his head, looking him up
and down, shaking his head. Tubbo and
Sneegsnag are next - both roll their eyes, before
turning back to their conversation. Tommy
ignores everyone else and makes eye contact with
Ranboo - the other boy raises an eyebrow.

Tommyinnit One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ