God Knows Where I Am

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August 27th 2025
Kansas City, Missouri

"I'll be ok Trav. You need to go to practise today if you are going to be playing this weekend." Taylor said, placing the dishes from their shared breakfast together into the dishwasher, Travis watching over the top of the kitchen island as he passed her the silverware and crockery from the dining table.

"I know, I just. I hate the thought of leaving you here on your own."

"More like you don't trust me." Taylor mumbled, but Travis heard. She couldn't say she blamed him, for not trusting her. Look what happened the last time he had left her. But she couldn't help feeling like he was wrapping her up in cotton wool constantly. Like she wasn't capable of doing things for herself. Taylor felt as if she wasn't going to be able to move on from all of this if they kept living in fear of the past. But she couldn't burst Travis' bubble. He had been so happy to see her come home and all she wanted to do was keep that happiness going for as long as possible.

"That's not what I am saying Tay." Travis sighed, coming around the countertop towards where she was standing. He wrapped his arms around her, feeling her body still cool and straight, flush against his chest. "I'm just worried that it is too soon for me to be leaving you on your own again."

"You have to at some point Trav. We can't stay cooped up in this house together forever. We will drive each other mad." Taylor knew she could have chosen a better turn of phrase than she had done but she couldn't change it now. She dried her hands on a spare kitchen towel, before making her way into the living room. "Anyway, I won't be on my own. Britt said she was going to pop by this morning whilst you and Pat were at practice to keep me company. So go on, I will be right here when you come back later, I promise."

She gave Travis a kiss, passing him his practice bag and practically pushing him out of the door, knowing that he would never leave her if she hadn't have forced him. He was far too content to just stay at home in their happy little bubble but Taylor knew that life had to go on and the way ahead was clear. Sure there would be days when things would be harder than others and it was still rocky, but she was in the honeymoon stage of her life again, and was determined to use that time wisely. To heal from the past and look forward to the future.

Brittany came round to see her, followed in tow by her two children Sterling and Bronze.

"Hey Tay."

"Hey Britt. How are you." The two woman embraced strongly, before moving their conversation into the living room with two steaming cups of coffee that Brittany had picked up from their local Starbucks on the way. The Mahomes' house was only fifteen minutes away from Travis and Taylor's house in Kansas, meaning that the pair spent much of their free time together at one of their respective houses during the season. It was harder during the off season when both her and Travis had to travel for work: Travis spending much of his time in Los Angeles filming, and Taylor in New York recording and in Los Angeles working on deals and directing videos and films she had been involved with. That was where her life had always been and will always be, no matter what.

"So.. I hate to be a broken record, I am sure everyone else has already asked you this like ten times a day, but how are you doing?" Brittany asked, sipping on her coffee she had just bought, observing Bronze's interaction with Taylor's cats. There was currently a stare off between Bronze and Meredith and neither of them were sure who was actually winning. It was a stalemate.

"I don't know. Like it's so dependant on the minute of the day. One minute I am fine and the next I am a crumpled heap on the floor, just like I was before... well you know. Travis has been so happy since I came home from the hospital and he just keeps trying to be positive. I think he thinks he is doing it for me but sometimes I wish he wouldn't. We need to be real with each other ."

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