American Underdog

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February 8th 2026
Santa Clara, California

Super Bowl LX baby!!!

The Chiefs had emerged victorious in the playoffs after just missing out in the AFC championships the year before and now they were on their way to the Super Bowl for the their chance at a fifth Super Bowl ring, and Travis' fourth one of his career. With only a limited amount of times and years left in both Travis' contract and his ability to play, he wanted to make the. most out of the opportunity to play in the Super Bowl, not knowing if he would ever make another one. He also had other motivations this time. Not only would Taylor be there alongside all of his family and friends, but also someone else, who was very special to him. His daughter. Luna was another motivator and reason why Travis wanted to win that day. To be able to stand up there on that podium as the proudest man who ever lived, with a trophy in one hand and his precious little girl in the other. He couldn't think of a better way to end the season.

Travis was staying downtown in a hotel with the rest of the Chiefs players with Taylor renting a luxury villa for them on up overlooking the mountains, only a fifteen minute drive from Levi Stadium where the game would be held later that day. Travis' parents had flown in a couple of days before, handling press interviews and talkshow broadcasts and had been staying with Taylor and Travis in their villa, which had plenty of room to host everyone. Her parents were flying in that morning and had just text Taylor to let her know that the jet had taken off from Nashville. Taylor smiled down at her phone, placing it back down on the nightstand and making her way out of the master bedroom and down the hall to the guest bedroom which they were using as a make shift nursery for Luna. Due to Taylor not having any career commitments outside of the U.S until after the football season ended, she had been in California all week with Travis, celebrating and supporting him through all of the stress, nerves and media presence. Taylor had been asked for interviews as well and had spent a few evenings out with some of her friends and the other Chiefs WAGs like Brittany as well as Kristen, who's husband Kyle played for the San Francisco 49ers and lived super close to where both Taylor and Brittany were staying.

Taylor was worried and nervous for the day. Not only because Travis was playing in one of the biggest games of his career and football season, but also because of luna. As she had just about hit the ten month mark, her development was sky rocketing. She could crawl very proficiently after learning how to do so on Christmas Day six weeks ago but now she could also stand and was cruising along as she held onto the coffee table or the side of her playpen. But she was also coming to the age where she discovered separation anxiety. Before, when she was a younger baby, it had been Taylor who had the separation anxiety from Luna but Travis had warned her that babies don't feel the separation anxiety until later on in life and so wouldn't be fazed by Taylor going to finally take a shower or have a well deserved nap in bed. However now, the anxiety was full throttle and Luna couldn't bear to be held by anyone other than Taylor which made her worry for the game. Would she be able to focus on the game with a fussy infant constantly attached at her hip?

Taylor grabbed Luna out of her crib, unzipping her sleep sack so that Taylor could change her diaper. She had still been half asleep when Taylor pulled her out of her crib but was wide awake when Taylor placed her down on the floor on her changing mat, the cool February air hitting her bottom, causing her to fuss.

"I know, I know baby. It's cold isn't it. It will just be a minute and then we will go and get some food ok?" Taylor finished up with Luna's diaper change, which took slightly longer than normal due to Taylor's need to constantly reassure the baby that she was ok. She decided to leave Luna in her onesie, opting to change her after breakfast as she was normally an incredibly messy eater and ended up with food all over herself, even in her hair sometimes. Taylor was grateful that Luna seemed to have inherited Travis' straight hair rather than her unruly curly hair which would have just been a nightmare to try and tame on an already incredibly fussy baby. When Taylor got downstairs, she saw that Donna was already up, making a pot of coffee in the kitchen.

Everything Has Changedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें