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(I'm always so late but thanks for 200 reads!! enjoy whatever brain rot below <3)

((Also I wrote most of this thing in a day whilst listening to music so expect mistakes and some even worse writing!!))

Lizzy woke up suddenly, gasping for air as she clutched her bedsheets. She had just had a nightmare, the first one in a while. Ever since she started doing "zaza", most of her nights had been peaceful and comfortable. But tonight, she felt like something, or rather someone was missing. The absence of which seemed to have triggered the return of the nightmares that she had grown to detest.

Lizzy slowly stretched her limbs out. She felt unmotivated to do anything and let out an annoyed groan, knowing that she had to get up and face the day ahead. Uncharacteristically, the thought of sneaking out to get her daily zaza, a normally guilty pleasure of hers, didn't even excite her. Her mind was too preoccupied with her ongoing ordeal with V, leaving her feeling drained of doing anything. She got up and went to check on her phone.

She grabbed it and noticed about ten missed notifications which presumably went off whilst she was asleep. Upon realising that the messages and calls were from an unknown number, she carelessly glanced at them in thought that it was probably a prank caller. She made a mental note to reply to the person whenever she could be bothered. Lizzy then went over to her desk and picked up a pen, trying to think of something productive to occupy her.

time skip cuz I suck :( (sorryyey)

You really thought Lizzy of all drones was going to do something useful for once? She had attempted to complete some of the project assignments she had received but wrote a couple of words and decided to take a 'break'. A break which lasted three whole hours. Unsurprisingly, Lizzy had procrastinated and ultimately ended up scrolling on social media like the addict she was. That was until something interrupted her, something from above.

Someone gracefully emerged from within Lizzy's ventilation shaft. Lizzy turned around, in hopes it was V. To her dismay, it was V's squadmate J. Lizzy looked at J, unamused as she sank back into her chair.

"Is the vent really that essential, every single-" Lizzy was interrupted by J,

"Yes, yes it is," J put her hands on her hips with a smirk expression on her face, "Anyways, a little birdie flew by and told me you're going through a little something,"

Lizzy remained quiet, only tapping her pen on the desk as a means to fidget every few seconds.

"This would've been a whole lot easier if you just...answered my numerous calls," J commanded, trying her best to sound menacing, "Sooo, you're going to tell me everything that happened, now,"

"Nah, I'm alright. Ask V to tell u or somethin'..." Lizzy replied with a deadpan expression

"Who said you had a choice in the matter?"

"I did-"

"Well, you don't,"

Lizzy rolled her eyes before taking a deep sigh. She mentally prayed that J would leave to continue pursuing...whatever J did in her spare time. Unfortunately for her, it seemed as if J wasn't leaving until she got what she wanted, an explanation for V and Lizzy's sudden emo phase. J noticed how V was all sulky and unmotivated to do anything, refusing to even brutally murder workers which half surprised her at it was normally her favourite activity, other than smoking worker drone arms of course.

Lizzy stared at the disassembly drone before her. She knew it was probably best not to tell her but she was starting to get on her final nerves so she decided to spill the beans.

"Alright so long story short, basically V found some car and asked me to go to it and turns out there was a bunch of zaza in it, then I guess i overdid it...a lot which kinda explains why shes a lil upset. Yeah, so i kept doin it and then like I guess we got into an argument and..." Lizzy continued on and on until she finished with her hell of a story. J stood there with her arms crossed, trying to process everything Lizzy was saying.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: May 12 ⏰

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