Peppermint Hippo II

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Remembering that you were all here for a mission now, enough with the getting distracted and get back to your assignment. Getting back on track, Human Kite had opened the furthest door from the other doors you others had come through, allowing for the four of you to walk through. Mysterion was ahead of everyone, and immediately turned his attention towards the door to the right where voices were coming through the other side.

You had all went silent, not wanting to alert the voices in the middle of their conversation. The voices were muffled slightly, but not too much. "Are we good to go on the shipment?" A scruffy voice had spoken up, seemed like he was talking to somebody else in the room.

"Shipment's ready to go, we can't waste time with this shit or the boss is going to lose his goddamn temper." Another man had spoken up, responding to the first gentleman. "This is all the powder?"

"Every last ounce." The scruffy voice had responded with a sure tone in his voice. "We'll load this into the truck out back?" He asked.

"Yep. Then you and I are getting that shit to Mexico ASAP." The other man responded, and the sound of a different door was opening now. There must've been another way out through the other side, because the sounds of their footsteps had disappeared after the sound of another door shutting was heard.

"...Oh, shit." Toolshed's eyes went wide as he spoke with shock in his tone. This was a lot more than just working with a gang who went around sexually assaulting the cheerleaders, they were working with some dangerous product.

"Let's move forward." Mysterion whispered to the three of you, who nodded in agreement as he quietly turned the doorknob towards the door where the two voices were earlier. Slowly opening the door, he walked in first when seeing that the room was clear.

The rest of you followed suit, and realized that there were a few pallets loaded with 'bricks', tightly wrapped together. Walking up to one of the pallets and squinting your eyes, you initially couldn't tell what it was. However, Human Kite came up behind you and spoke in a whispering tone. "Don't get too close, they're drugs."

Your eyes widening, you took a quick step back and sighed. Thankfully you didn't touch the packaging, you didn't want to be part of any of that. Looking around the room, you could see that there was two more doors as well as a garage-styled door, which is probably how the men would load in their product to the truck they were talking about earlier. However, your guys' eyes went wide when the garage-styled door started to open from the other side.

You guys were given no time to react, before the garage-styled door had opened all the way, revealing you four standing there frozen in shock, and on the other side were the two gang members who were talking earlier.

"Looks like we've got a problem." The scruffy voiced one spoke, as he spoke to the other man, who was already reaching for his pocket. When the scruffy voiced one had seen that the other was grabbing for his pocket, he copied the motion and also began to reach for his waistline.

Clicks were heard, as they both whipped out their own pistols, and aimed it at the group of Freedom Pals members who were frozen in their tracks. With guns pointed at them, and not much of a choice but to comply, this was probably the most terrified you've been in your life.

"Hands up, NOW." The taller one commanded you all, pointing his gun between the group of you, threatening any one of you who refused to comply. "We don't fuck around, so hands where I can see them, fucking freaks."

Immediately, you were in no position to fight these guys and knew that you had to comply with their demands and raised your hands up. Glancing to your sides, you could see that Human Kite and Toolshed were also raising their hands. However, Mysterion did not. The two men only seemed furious and annoyed by this, and one of them pointed the gun towards Mysterion.

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