Chapter 9: An Email

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(POV: America)

"From: United Nations <> (DISCLAIMER: Do not attempt to send emails to the email addresses.)

To: The United States of America <>

Subject: Visit

Dear America,

It has come to our attention that your states are personified. We have held another meeting, and we have concluded that it is important that the rest of us know more about these states. 12 nations will be coming to your home for two weeks so we may assess the situation firsthand. They are:













You have one day to prepare before our arrival.


United Nations

P.S. We will require you to send us your address. Failure to do so will result in consequences."

I closed my laptop (actually, slammed would probably be a better word) and groaned.

"What? Somethin' wrong?" Confederate was watching me from the other side of the room. Dixie was off making sure the states didn't blow anything up and the Four Problems™ were actually cleaning like DC had told them to.

"A bunch of countries are coming over tomorrow."

"And that...surprises you? You do realize the whole reason we've been hiding them is because we don't want the countries to meet them. If they weren't gonna come over we could've just let people know they exist."

I sighed. "Which is exactly why it's a problem. Besides, once they learn about the states, the rest of the family is next."

"What's going on?" Dixie popped in.

"Aren't you watching the Four Problems™?"

"Coffee Cake, you and I both know it doesn't make a difference. DC already put her fear into them."


She shrugged and sat down with us. "Now, what made you two start feeding-arguing?" That's what Dixie calls it when two people are arguing and each person's point is just making the other person's point stronger. There's also circle-arguing, when an argument just goes around in circles and never reaches a conclusion, and rage-arguing, when an argument is fulled purely by the fact one party dislikes another party so they refuse to agree with them on principle. Confederate and I have also picked up those terms from her.

"We weren't arguing! Feeding-arguing or otherwise!" Confederate told her.

"Sure. Can you tell me what's going on now?"

I read UN's email to her.

"So you two are worried about visitors coming over? Well don't you worry your little heads off-"

"You were born 12 minutes after me and 40 minutes after Ame, so you're the youngest of us. Also you're the one who's 5' 4". I'm 6' and Ame's 6' 2""

Dixie glared at Confederate. "Shut. Up. Anyway, I can handle talking about rules and stuff, and I'm sure the states can introduce themselves" (I have already started working on that chapter and, fair warning, it will be split into two parts because it's looong. You don't realize how many 50 is until you need to write 50 characters introducing themselves. Any help with ideas would be appreciated.)

"And what if this leads to them finding out about the rest of the family?" I asked.

"It won't."

"How do you know?"

"Trust me, they won't learn a thing. Just leave it to me. I'll make them less suspicious."


"You'll see." Dixie gave a cheeky smile. "Now, I better go check on the Four Problems™. Don't shoot anything."

"No promises." Confederate replied.

Dixie chuckled and walked off.

Confederate turned to me as soon as she was out of ear-shot. "Do you have any idea what she's planning?"

"Knowing her, she has 58 plans in her head right now, 14 of which are already in motion."

"So no?"

"Not even close."

"Same. So are you gonna send UN the address now?"

"I've got time. We should prepare some."

"Okay then. Tell me about our visitors."

"How detailed do you want me to be?"

He thought for a moment.


"Alright then, you might wanna take notes."

Word Count: 669 (*prepares for the inevitable comment*)

Sorry this chapter is a little lacking in the interesting stuff department, but we've got 3 (or maybe 4) long ones coming up, so I wanted something short (well, by my standards moderate) before that. Next up is the "our visitors arrive" chapter (these aren't the titles, if it wasn't clear) the "all the states introduce themselves one after another" chapter I've been working on scene chapter 7 (it's going to be split into two parts. I'm sorry but it would be way too long otherwise.) and then the "government stuff enters the scene" chapter where we see what DC is up to. So stay tuned.

In other news; THIS BOOK IS AT 4K READS! HOW! WHO ARE YOU PEOPLE!?! Seriously, thank you so much! But what are you doing reading this shit? You know what, I'm gonna go on record, when this book reaches 5K reads, I will write a one shot about whatever you people want me to write about.

One more thing: I now have a schedule I will attempt to follow for the next few chapters (until I inevitably get writer's block) This book will be updated on Sundays at 1:00 CDT (Central Daylight Time). You all can look up when that is in your time zone. Or just look at when this chapter was posted, because the schedule started with this one.

Anyway, that's enough yapping from me. CAC out!

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