Chapter 1: The (Stupid) Plan

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(POV: California)

I'm still not sure this is a good idea.

New York, Texas, Florida, and I are going to sneak into Dad's meeting. We just need to leave without D.C. noticing. Or Delaware. Or Hawaii. Or New Jersey. Or Louisiana. Or Alaska. Or Minnesota. Or Idaho. Or Washington. Or Oregon. Or Montana. Or Connecticut. Or Arkansas. Or...

Okay, we probably need to make sure no one sees us.

But we have a plan. We've got this. I'm sure of it.

Everyone was going to be in a meeting. No one pays attention to that stuff. We've got this.


I shook myself and tried to remain calm. I was the only one who had doubts, and I wasn't about to back down. We've got this.

"Are we all ready to leave?" Florida asked, clutching the rope that hung over the walls of our house.

That rope was our escape.

"I'm ready y'all," Texas said, "I've got weapons."

I chucked. "We all knew that, Texas."

"I'm also ready. I'm going to steal Britain's tea if I get the chance on behalf of the other 12 OG 13's," New York said.

"Why didn't you lead with that when you said you would come!?" Flo yelled at her, laughing. "That's going to be hilarious if it works!"

"Keep your voice down," Texas told them. "If we get caught, we'll never be able to leave."

I'm still not sure that's such a bad thing.

"Cali?" Florida turned to me. "You ready?"

I looked at the others. I couldn't let them down. I'd promised I'd come.

But what if..

No. We've got this.

"Fine," I finally told them. "Let's just get this over with."

"Alrighty then! Texas, your up first, seeing as your the tallest one here," Florida said.

"I should be the tallest over all," He grumbled.

"Take it up with Alaska, not us," New York told him. "Now, go!

And we were off.

I just hope I didn't make a mistake.


(POV: D.C.)

"I'm going to shoot you!"

"I'm borrred"

"'Auhea 'o!?"

"Not if I shoot you first!"


"Tout le monde peut-il se détendre"

"Everyone be quiet!"

"New Jersey, calm down."

"I hate you!"


"Easy for you to say! I was practically there!"


"Ik haat je!"

"You suck!"

Everyone was fighting and yelling. Not that that was new, but it was still annoying. Dad was at work (as usual) meaning I was in charge. This was normal, of course, but I still found it annoying. Sometimes I wish Dad had more time to spend with us. Whatever. I knew exactly what to do. I reached into my pocket and pulled it out.


The gunshot rang in the air for a few moments as everyone was silent. Once I knew for a fact all 50 of my siblings were paying attention, I stood up. (And maybe used my wings to float above the chairs. Look, I'm even shorter than Rhode Island normally. And I'm the only one of my siblings to have wings, so I might as well use them.)

"Pay attention everyone! We have a lot to do, and I'm not in the mood for this. I want silence unless you are discussing the topic at hand. And no fighting!! It's never helpful! There's a difference between debating and fighting! Trust me, I work with the government."

After I said all that, I sat back down, (while still floating slightly over my chair, of course,) and waited a few minutes to make sure no one was about to start talking again. But then I noticed something. I did a quick head count.

47 people, counting me.

4 states were gone.

"Who all is here?" I said, trying to remain calm. I know what my siblings are capable of.

"Why?" Nevada asked.

"Because I just did a head count, and there are only 47 of us. 4 states are missing."

No one spoke for a few moments. Finally, Oklahoma raised his hand.

"I don't know about who else is gone, but Texas is missing."

New Jersey spoke next, "New York's gone."

"Cail's missing, too" Washington said.

"Florida would have done something crazy by now if she were here." Georgia pointed out.

Well, the good news was we knew who was missing

The bad news was that it was the four most crazy of us all, and we had no idea where they were.

"Should we call Dad?" Illinois asked

"No. We just need to find them. They can't have gone far." I told him.

The question was where to look.

Word count: 712 words

Meet The StatesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang