Chapter 19: Training

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The next few days pass in a bit of a blur. I've made sure to keep track of each day, though. We only have 2 weeks and a handful of days until Gaster arrives, and I've been stressing with each one that passes.

Today, we planned to finally get me some combat training. Killing the Demon wouldn't be anywhere near as hard as fighting Gaster. Besides, while Gaster is somewhat arrogant, he is also intelligent enough not to let him give in to his arrogance, unlike the Demon.

I can still hear the demonic giggling sometimes. It's been haunting me since that night. I did the right thing, right? I had to kill. There wasn't enough time to protect Chara and knock the Demon out. I had to have done the right thing. Everyone is safe.

It was her or me. She made that clear. And if it wasn't her, she wouldn't have stopped at just killing me. I had to do what I did. I had to.


I'm snapped out of my thoughts as we arrived at the high school. School wouldn't start for another few days, but Papyrus and Undyne had pulled a few strings to let Frisk, Chara, Sans, and I use the gym to train. Undyne and Papyrus would be the ones actually training me, while Sans and Frisk would give pointers and be on standby in case someone got hurt. Chara was my moral support and invisible to everyone, but Frisk and I. Sans had explained to Undyne and Papyrus that because Frisk gets targeted so much and I'm usually the one who comes to her defence, that I'd need some proper training in how to use my magic correctly and how to fight.

As me and Chara entered the gym, we saw that it was absolutely barren of pretty much everything you would normally expect to be in a gym. Undyne and Papyrus were standing in the middle of the room, while Sans and Frisk stood to the side.

To the horror of everyone's ears, Papyrus saw me first. "FRIEND (Y/N)! IT IS GOOD TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" Papyrus says in his normal tone as he walks and meets us halfway between the door and where he was standing. "It's nice to see you too, Papyrus." I reply, smiling a bit.

"So, you wanted to train with us, huh punk? Good choice, we're the best fighters around. And, you caught us before school started, so we don't have to stick to that teacher crap." Undyne chuckles a bit as she walks over to me and Papyrus. "DO NOT WORRY, WE WILL TEACH YOU EVERYTHING WE KNOW ABOUT FIGHTING." Papyrus adds with a boney smile.


A few minutes of small talk later, and we started to get ready. It was decided that Papyrus would spar with me first to assess my skills while Undyne watched for things I needed to improve. I got ready on one side of the gym and summoned my knife as Papyrus stood on the other.

Chara was standing next to Frisk, Sans, and Undyne off to the side giving me a thumbs up. Sans looked a bit uncomfortable at the sight of my knife. Probably bad memories of past timelines. Undyne had a whistle in her hand to signal when the battle could begin. "Good luck, may the best fighter win." Undyne says simply before blowing the whistle.

I expected Papyrus to attack, but he didn't move. "YOU MAY HAVE THE FIRST MOVE (Y/N)!" He explains after a few seconds. It threw me off guard a bit. "Uh, are you sure?" I ask, a bit confused. "OF COURSE I AM SURE. IT IS ONLY FAIR, WITH YOU BEING NEW AND ALL." Papyrus responds.

I flip the knife in my hand carefully and weakly toss it at Papyrus. I didn't want to hurt him, and it felt wrong being handed an attack like this. He brought up a bone in the path of the knife, stopping it, but the knife sparked a bit as it stuck into the bone. Both magic items dissappear.

"VERY GOOD. NOW, IT IS MY TURN!" Papyrus praises my weak attack, bringing a smile to my face. He was always incredibly kind to people.

First he sent a small bone that I was just able to jump over as it was only knee height, but upon seeing how easily I dodged that one, he sent a few more from various directions, forcing me to dodge in a few different directions.

Golden Flowers (Female Chara X Male Reader) [Being Rewritten]Where stories live. Discover now