Chapter 18: Recovery

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I wake up surrounded by a soft green glow. I felt pleasantly warm. I look around and see Frisk kneeling beside me with both her hands out. Chara was next to me, kneeling down as well. She seemed OK, so that was good. The moonlight was still enough to see decently well in. Both seemed worried about me, but when Chara noticed my eyes open, her expression lightened.

"He's waking up." Chara says to Frisk, who nods. "Don't move too much, I'm still healing you. I'm not as good as Mom, but you should be back on your feet in no time." Frisk says to me. Toriel excelled at healing magic.

"Alright, thanks." I respond, smiling a bit. "Dont mention it. Just next time, get some help before taking on a demon." Frisk says, managing a small smile as well.

Right. Yeah. I did do that. "Is she dead?" I question, trying to look to the general area where the Demon fell, but I couldn't from my position on the ground. Frisk lets out a heavy sigh as she stops the healing. The warm glow dissipates almost immediately.

"You should be fine to move now. Just take it easy. And yes. As best we can tell, she died and then turned to dust, like a monster does. She must have been more magic than anything." Frisk explains as I slowly get to my feet alongside her and Chara.

"Hold up, (Y/n), do you feel any different? Stronger, maybe?" Frisk asks, worry written all over her face. I was a little confused as to why she asked, considering my side was most definitely bruised now and ached. If anything, I felt a bit weaker. "No, not really. Why do you ask?" I respond, holding my side gingerly.

Frisk let's out another heavy sigh before her, and Chara shared a look I couldn't read. "(Y/n), what do you know about LV?" Chara asks. The look in her face was incredibly serious, which made me drop my smile.

"I don't know what that is. The demonic you mentioned it, though." I respond truthfully. "LV stands for Level of Violence. It's essentially how corrupted your soul is. Every time someone kills someone else, they gain EXP or EXecution Points." Chara explains. I open my mouth to speak, but she cuts me off. "Yes, we already know how similar the acronyms are to video games. Do you really not feel any different?" She cuts me off, perfectly guessing what I'd ask.

I shrugged in response. Physically, I felt normal, if not a bit weaker from my injury. Maybe my magic changed?

I summon a knife, which I noted felt easier to do, and I inspected it. As I looked closer, I began to realize there were black stains on it, like blood almost. Something was definitely different. I summon another knife in my other hand and see the same blood stains on that one.

"My knives are stained... and my magic feels easier to use." I respond, not wanting to hide anything. Their reaction was worrying me a bit, but maybe this wasn't a bad thing. I'd be stronger to take on Gaster. Chara and Frisk's expressions somehow get even more worried, and Chara steps close.

"Don't use your magic for now. We need to make sure you aren't mentally affected." Chara says, sounding more like an order. I do what she says and dissipate the knives. I didn't realize it while I had been using my magic, but I hadn't felt any pain from my wound, to which pain was now returning to.

"Let's head home and get you some proper rest." Chara continues, taking my hand. Her and Frisk share one final look before she nods, and Chara shortcuts us away.


I lay awake a few hours later on my bed. I wasn't sure what to feel, other than overwhelmed by a mix of emotions. Surprisingly, regret wasn't in that mix. I killed someone. Demon, though they may have been, they were still a person. Why didn't I feel bad about that?

Chara shifts a bit next to me, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Are you still awake (Y/n)?" She asks sleepily. "Yeah." I respond, stifling a yawn. She moves and wraps an arm around me. "Don't let it get to you too much." She mumbles before falling back asleep with a light snore.

That's why I didn't feel bad. I was protecting Chara.

Having finally settled my thoughts, I turn on my side and hug Chara before falling asleep.


I wake up in a clearing. The same clearing that I and the Demon fought in. Her body lay in front of me, bleeding black ooze from her wounds. I realize I had my knife in my hand, so I quickly throw it to the side. I don't want to relive this moment again. I may not feel bad, but I certainly don't want to relive it.

Just as I was about to look away, her mouth started to move. A demonic cackling escaped her lips. It rang in my ears and wouldn't stop. I tried to cover my ears and move away, but no matter what I did to get away, it followed me.

"Shut up! Shut up, shut up, shut up!" I snap as the cackling starts to frustrate me. It didn't stop. This was just a dream. It'd stop soon.

But it didn't. I should know better by now. My dreams are never normal.

In anger, I summon a dozen knives and send them flying at the corpse, hoping to shut it up. As soon as they made contact, the laughter stopped, and I blacked out.


I wake up, back in my bed, to my relief. All my frustration and anger from the nightmare vanished when I saw Chara was still sleeping. I could see the sun starting to shind through the windows. It was early morning. We could sleep in a bit longer. That'd be nice.

So, I drift back to a hopefully dreamless sleep.


(I hope you enjoyed, and feedback is always welcome!)

Golden Flowers (Female Chara X Male Reader) [Being Rewritten]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz