June raises an eyebrow in surprise. “That’s uncharacteristically… nice of them,” she muses, unsure how else to phrase her confusion. However, the mention of fresh recruits makes her get on her tiptoes to catch a glimpse of the men and women in uniform anyway. “Fresh, you say?”

“Yeah, they’re usually inexperienced. They go on patrol here sometimes, to get to know the District and know how things work around here. Guess there’s only so much that they can tell you, some stuff you gotta see first-hand,” Birdie replies thoughtfully. She notices the way the other girl is almost breaking her neck to catch a glimpse of the Peacekeepers. “You lookin’ for your friend?”

“I haven’t given up yet,” June says, a hopeful smile on her lips. Her eyes scan the recruits curiously in hopes of spotting her best friend’s face. But when she doesn’t spot him or Coriolanus, although the latter being in Seven would horrify her, she deflates and sighs in resignation.

Birdie frowns and says, “Don’t let it get you down, Juniepie. Maybe he’s closer than you think.”

June sincerely hopes she’s right. She might be trying to move on from the Capitol, but there are some people she’d love to keep in her life as well, and Sejanus is almost right at the top of that list.

ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ

Unexpectedly, the walk back feels significantly shorter than the way to the market. The girls chat about mundane things and keep the topics lighthearted. The promise of proper footwear for the colder seasons and perhaps even some new or more appropriate clothes soon makes her feel cared for; and once again affirms her belief that she made the right decision by coming here.

While she deeply misses her brothers and the friends she had to leave behind, she quickly realizes how much she loves being here. This was absolutely unthinkable just a month ago, right around the time her and Cas were celebrating their birthday.

A month ago, she was deep within the Capitol and thought she’d never leave. And now, four weeks later (even though it feels like so much longer than that), she’s surrounded by nature and the most welcoming people she has ever met.

She still wishes this could’ve happened without the Games and its aftermath, but after everything, she truly hopes Treech can find peace and healing now that he’s back at home. She knows that his family still needs some time to get used to the idea of having someone from the Capitol stay with them, especially since she vows to never return to the confines of the Capitol.

This is a forever decision. And she’s pleasantly surprised that for once, one aspect of her future doesn’t cause her to feel anxious.

One thing she definitely needs to get used to is that during the day, the front door of the house is wide open for anyone to just enter so long as someone is at home. It gives a welcoming aura to have the house open for visitors right in the middle of nowhere, but Birdie assures her that people love to stop by even if just for a cup of tea or a quick chat.

It doesn’t matter how far away someone’s home might be; someone will always find a way to talk to them. You’re never truly alone and yet you have the space you need, and June finds the idea of that lovely.

When they make it inside, they’re immediately greeted by the sight of Treech’s youngest siblings sitting at the long dining table, their noses deep in their homework. There’s a bowl between the three of them, and when Ivy’s hand reaches into it, the ten-year-old fishes out what June assumes must be dry crackers. The three of them are mumbling among themselves, but the other half of the table has been cleared off chairs and Treech and his mother are both looking down at one of the various sketches scattered across the table, a few even on the couch.

❝𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐀❞ ━ TREECHWhere stories live. Discover now