You: Okay we will...! But granny is there something to ask?

Granny: Hannie is crying that he will come to the restaurant now. But you are not the only one, newcomers are also coming. I am thinking that it is better if he didn't come.

You: How can Hannie be alone at home? I thought he was with you. It will be better if he comes granny.

Granny: Okay then you come. I will ask someone to fetch Hannie here.

You: I will bring him, don't worry about it

Granny: Okay sweetheart...! Byee

You: Byee granny

* --- End Of The Call --- *

You cut the call, then "Unniee...! I will drop you at the restaurant and then pick up Hannie okay?" you asked. "Yeah no problem puppy...! They still have 1 hour to get here anyway," she said, "Okay perfect...!" you said while driving.

You dropped Sana at the restaurant and left

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You dropped Sana at the restaurant and left.
Sana went inside, soon granny appeared "Granny...!" Sana said while hugging granny "Hey my champ," she said hugging back. "Have they not arrived yet?" granny asked "They will arrive at 7.30" Sana said, "Okay you go and relax, I will prepare food," granny said sana nodded.

30" Sana said, "Okay you go and relax, I will prepare food," granny said sana nodded

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Sana spends time scrolling her phone. Meanwhile, a group of handsome boys with hot looks entered the restaurant. Sana opened her mouth and looked shocked, 'Aishhhh they look damn hot,' Sana mumbled.

Sana was looking at them shockingly. Meanwhile Jungkook comes near to sana,
"Hey sana close your mouth or else flies gonna enter," He said while smirking. That's when Sana came to her senses. "Ohhh yeah..! Hello everyone, Welcome," Sana greeted.
"Hello...! we met again," Jin said. "Yeah right Come and have a seat." Sana motioned them to the chairs. They sat in their seats. "Wait here I will bring some water." Sana said then left.

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