🌕Luna,Pluto,and Sun! :)☀

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I don't have much to say on this one other then here! :)

I don't have much to say on this one other then here! :)

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He/him. Sun is kind of crazy and psychotic but this is so that the Planets and Moons stay in their orbits(rooms) or at least inside the house at the most. Sun really cares for his planets' safety that's why he never lets anyone outside really unless he decides its time for some fresh 'air' as they need it they go outside at least once a month.

Sun is obviously friends with everyone because he is the actual  ★star★ of the system. Sun have a few family members that are his child (Jupiter) and grand children (Earth and Luna). Sun doesn't really hate anyone because he can't the planets are like his children except they aren't other than Jupiter. Sun has a hot summer day style because of his temp., its really how for him so he ends up sweating a lot sometimes.

, its really how for him so he ends up sweating a lot sometimes

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Luna🌕(and DS🌑)❤:

he/him. Luna is basically Earth's 'Guardian (Theia as well) and plans to try and protect him at all cost because if he loses earth he will feel like he failed in being a moon and he would always down himself for it. Luna is a kind and reasonable Moon unlike DS(DarkSide) he is usually a mean and annoying ghost/moon, no one knows about DS other than Luna himself and Earth 

Luna tries to be friends with everyone but its hard to now because of the moon revaluation and all the chaos between earth and the other moons. Luna's family is his brother (earth),his fathers(Jupiter and Saturn), and his 'grandfather'(sun). Luna dislikes Ganymede and Europa with great passion and he really wants Jupiter to distroy them but holds back from saying anything.

Luna's style is more of a childish style as he is younger then earth from a few years so he wears brighter clothes.

Luna's style is more of a childish style as he is younger then earth from a few years so he wears brighter clothes

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He/them. Pluto is a nice and serious guy at times and he is pretty lonely ever since he was declared no longer a planet but a dwarf planet like Cere. Pluto is usually found with Uranus or by himself because he is really a true loner and Uranus just gets him sometimes and Uranus is the best he's got to a friend.

Pluto onmly really has one friend that is Uranus. Pluto doesn't really hate anyone but does dislike the others if they are being TOO noisy.Pluto's style is also a Winter one because of how fare he is from the sun once again as he is the farthest (Dwarf)planet from the sun.

Fin! That's it with the introductions! I hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed drawing and making the descriptions! Here is the full picture!

Fin! That's it with the introductions! I hope you enjoyed this as much as i enjoyed drawing and making the descriptions! Here is the full picture!

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Appreciate the little things people do for you♡♥♡ -☆Yuki☆🎭 ( ゚ヮ゚)

[Quote of the day/night] "keep your face always toward the sunshine-and shadows will fall behind you" - Walt Whitman.

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