🌋Rocky Planets🌄

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This is the Rocky planets! So Mercury,Venus,Earth,and Mars. Well here you go :)! P.S. they are humans so they live in an house instead of space, well the house is space just the planets are humanoid.


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He/him. Mercury is a shy little dude, but he is learning how to stand up for himself and others though he usually gets bullied by Venus he keeps his spirits up high to the....sky?....milky way? Heh... He usually wears baggy clothes but when he goes outside(which is common when he's allowed-) he wears more casual clothes.

Mercury has a few friends that contain: Sun,Moon,Pluto,Mars,and Earth(kinda-) he dislikes Venus with passion and he sees Sun as his dad more-so because of how close they are.(literally💀)


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He/Them. Venus is a rude and loud person he usually tries to stay to himself and avoid his housemates/the others but often is found playing poker with Earth and Mars as they convince him to play because he usually wins which is what he really cares about when it comes to poker or any card game that the 3 play. Venus often wears fall like clothes even with his heat of his surface he thinks it's almost, always cold to him it seems

Venus doesn't think he has friends but really he does and those friends are Earth, Mars and surprisingly Saturn. As Venus actually does hate everyone else but mostly the moons because they attacked him-. Venus and Mars are like siblings as they fight alot but in the end I guess care??? About each other??

Earth: "Its complicated-"

Indeed it is earth.

Earth: "WHEN IS IT MY TURN AGAIN? its taking forever I want them to see my beautiful face!"

Calm down earth we are about to review you right now, now please don't interrupt again.

Anyways Venus is also really hot-headed and has a very short temper.

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He/Them. Earth is pretty ignorant and self centered, he's a narcissist and doesn't think before he speaks. But most of this is to keep his mind off his deeper thoughts in reality deep down he is really insecure and when ever someone insults him or something it doesn't really help, the only person who knows this is Luna as he has been with Earth all his life so that's why he always defends Earth when he ends up being too ignorant like in "Earth Alone" when he lost almost everyone and practicly went a little crazy with the hallucinations

Earth is basically friends with everyone except for Neptune as they have not met at all yet. Earth's family contains: his brother(Luna),his Dads(Jupiter and Saturn),and his 'grandfather' (Sun). Earth truly does care about his earthlings its just what they do to him that makes him how he is.Earth doesn't really hate anyone other than....basically all moons that were in the Moon Revaluation (💀)

His clothes type/style is more of, I guess a 'punk'-ish type of style his favorite accessorys are his earnings,belt chains,pins,and Sunglasses(I forgot to draw them sorry😅) which all 4 of them resemble his family members, the chains resemble Saturn's rings, his sunglasses resemble Jupiter's glasses, the Luna pin(top right of his jacket) for Luna and the sun earnings for sun! Earth also has a rover pin(bottom left) to resemble his best friend Mars!

His clothes type/style is more of, I guess a 'punk'-ish type of style his favorite accessorys are his earnings,belt chains,pins,and Sunglasses(I forgot to draw them sorry😅) which all 4 of them resemble his family members, the chains resemble Satu...

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He/Him. (Sorry abt the hair it makes him look like a girl I plan on changing it I guess if I ever post art here again that isnt the others😭) Mars is a joyful and reasonable person,he usually is one of the 4(Him,Jupiter,Saturn,and Uranus) that stop any fights happening between anyone (mostly Earth and Venus). Mars is Earths best friend but he knows basically nothing about Earth because he only talks about one thing that's about himself, its never personal stuff just about him so Mars only listens to Earth he decides to not ask any questions.

Mars is friends with everyone of the inner/rocky planets he is also friends with Cere(the dwarf planet in the astroid belt) mars spends most of his time playing cards with Earth and Venus but recently has been hanging out more with Cere so they can become better friends.Mars' style is more of a space style he is all about aliens and the rovers on his surface. Mars doesn't really dislike anyone other then the moons as well because they attacked him and Venus.

I hope you read though it all sorry if its too much!😅 and if you want here is the full photo+background!

I hope you like the picture and the info! Next 'chapter' is the gas and ice giants I'll cya Tmr/today since it's 3:58AM RN 💀 byeee! - ☆Yuki☆🎭   \(☆o◎)/ ♡♡♡

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I hope you like the picture and the info! Next 'chapter' is the gas and ice giants I'll cya Tmr/today since it's 3:58AM RN 💀 byeee! - ☆Yuki☆🎭   \(☆o◎)/ ♡♡♡

[Quote of the day/night]: "If you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. But by all means keep moving." -Martin Luther King Jr. ♡

If Solarballs was in a GC💀✌Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu