"Ahsoka?" Laenor says. He is confused as to what's happening when he looks at the water boil.

Laenor: What are you doing?
Ahsoka: I am trying to get comfortable, Father. Hello, mother.
Rhaenyra: You're in labor, aren't you?
Ahsoka: *nods*
Laenor: *breath hitches* Truly?

Ahsoka tells them about what the Maester said, and she explains how she wished to give birth any other day. That's when her eyes begin to flash. She clears her breath and tries to focus her mind. With the help of her parents, she gets out of the tub and into a robe. She ushers herself to the bench in the middle of the room, followed by her parents.

Rhaenyra: How do you feel?
Ahsoka: Very uncomfortable...
Laenor: You said you wanted many children.
Ahsoka: Yes. A constant reminder. *chuckles*
Rhaenyra: How many are you planning to have?
Ahsoka: We're not. However many we have is however many. And I know we are taking a break after these two are born.
Rhaenyra: How long of a break?
Laenor: A year.

Rhaenyra meets the gaze of her ex-husband. A pain hit her head on. Laenor has always been closer to Ahsoka than she has. Something she was jealous over. Ahsokas eyes flash once again, and a pain hits her.

Ahsoka: *winces*
Laenor: My Star? Is it time?
Ahsoka: I *groans*
Aemond: What's going on?

The room looks up to see Aemond in the doorway. But Anakin isn't with him.

Rhaenyra: *stands* Where is my grandson?
Aemond: *scoffs* With his grandmother... now what is going on? *kneels in front of Ahsoka* My sweet?
Ahsoka: *winces in pain* Aemond...
Aemond: *turns to midwife* Fetch the maester!

The midwife runs out the door and down the hall. "What would be better for you?" Aemond asks, meaning what place to give birth would be better.

Ahsoka: Ohh... *sharp inhale*
Laenor: It will be alright, just as it was last time.
Rhaenyra: Yes, your father is right. Your family is here.
Aemond: *whispers* I am here. I am here.
Ahsoka: *winces* Aemond.
Aemond: I am here. *kisses her forehead* Just tell me what you need.

It's not long after the Maester arrives. He rushes over to Ahsoka before realizing the issue. The twins were coming sooner than anticipated. After the maester ushers Ahsoka to her bed, rain starts to fall on the once sunny day. Down in the Throne Room, Alicent looks out the window with worry. She knows this is Ahsokas doing, but she is unsure as to the reason. Thunder cracks in the sky, and she notices Anakin, looking to the sky mesmerized. Since his mother was also "The Mother of Storms," he had grown very accustomed to the sight of rain. As well as the soothing sound of thunder and lighting. "Your grace! Your grace!" A maid shouted through the crowd, making all eyes fall to her. She whispers in the Queens' ear before being thanked and sent away. Alicent then addressed the court.

Alicent: My lords and ladies! I have just *lightning flash* received word of the Princess Ahsokas labors!
Crowd: *murmurs/thunder cracks*
Alicent: Everyone must remain in the throne room for their own safety! While she is *interrupted/thunder cracks*
Crowd: *screams*
Alicent: *bounces Anakin* Everyone, please! Keep your composure! And know that once she has given birth, the storm shall pass! *thunder cracks*

Back in their chambers, Ahsoka lays back on the bed while pushing out her children. Aemond on her right holding her hand while Laenor is on the left. Rhaenyra is pacing back and forth, watching as her daughter gives birth. She was glad to be here. Ahsoka couldn't believe that she was delivering her babes on the same say as Anakins' birth a year ago.

Midwife: Push!
Ahsoka: *pained scream*
Midwife: 1, 2, 3 Push!
Ahsoka: *screams/thunder cracks*
Aemond: You are doing so well, my love. *kisses her hand*
Midwife: I can see the first babes head!

Ahsoka bears down as hard as she can. Rain, wind, thunder, and lightning sounding just outside the windows and balcony. She screams once more, and before she knows it, she is met the sound of a tiny cry. All eyes pan down to see the tiny newborn baby who is wailing. Among the cries emits joyful laughter. "Ohh, good job Muña." Aemond says as he kisses Ahsokas sweaty head. Rhaenyras eyes grow wide while following the sight of her new grandchild. The midwife turns back around after cleaning the babe off. "A boy, your highness." She says. Aemond emits into more joyous laughter as he is handed his new son. He looks to the naked crying babe with love and tears in his eye before kneeling down next to Ahsoka, giving their son to her.

Ahsoka: *breath catches/sniffles* He's beautiful.
Aemond: *chuckles* White hair. And I see purple eyes too. Another pure blooded Valyrian. *smirks at Rhaenyra*
Rhaenyra: *clenches jaw*
Laenor: Ohh, was a treasure. *gasps* I am your grandsire.

Ahsoka holds her son on her chest, watching as he tries to open his eyes to look up at her. Ahsoka smiles and kisses her son before looking at Aemond. "You think?" Aemond scanned over his new sons body before speaking. "Yes. It suits him."

Rhaenyra: What is his name?
Ahsoka: His name. *looks at Aemond*
A&A: Aries.
Laenor: *chuckles*
Aemond: Prince Aries Velaryon.

It was ten minutes of bliss and light rain before Ahsoka started to feel contractions once more. It wasn't long before a second child was born to them. "A girl." The midwife said over the babes' screams. Aemond almost lost his footing when he heard the sex. "A..A girl?" Aemond asked, stumbling over his words. He took his daughter in his arms and was mesmerized by her. His first daughter.

Laenor: She's beautiful.
Rhaenyra: *moves closer to bed*
Aemond: White hair and violet eyes once more *chuckles/kisses daughters head*

Aemond hands his daughter to Ahsoka. The parents look back and forth between the newborn babes who are nuzzling up to each other. Ahsoka smiles at the closeness before speaking. Aemond sits on the bed next to his wife. Wrapping his arm around her, looking at their children. Rain could still be heard from outside.

Ahsoka: I changed my mind. I want to use a different name. Amira doesn't work for her.
Aemond: *kisses Ahsokas head* You are right. What shall we call her then?
Ahsoka: I know. Aisha
Laenor: Aisha...
Rhaenyra: That is beautiful. It fits her.
Aemond: Princess Aisha Velaryon.
Ahsoka: Anakin, Aries, and Aisha.

Prince Aries and Princess Aisha Velaryon (newborn)

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Prince Aries and Princess Aisha Velaryon (newborn)


A/N. The twins' names are pronounced as follows. Aries (air-reez) Aisha (eye-E-sha)

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