Chapter 12 - Is Badr Scared?

Start from the beginning

"Um nwo know baba. Dwont dwo anythwing. What if they hult you?" Badr asked still being scared.

"Shh calm down baby they won't hurt." Umm Badr said.

"And you! Boys! How dare you all hurt my baby! Now you three will be punished!" Walid Badr intentionally said it sternly so big ones get a bit scared and Lil one gets the hint that they should listen to his Baba.

"Oh um Baba what-" Fayez was about to ask but was cut off by a warning glare of their father.

He was so confused but decided to play along.

"No baba. Please don't punish us. We won't hurt Badr again." Affan replied getting a bit of a hint.

"Yes baba we won't ever!" Fakhr also said. Meanwhile Badr was just looking at them with curious gaze

"No! All three of you kneel down and hold your ears!" Walid Badr said sternly and all three of them complied

"Now say sorry to my prince." Umm Badr said when she noticed that Badr was looking lost and scared.

"Um yes baby Badr. We are sorry for hurting you." All three of them said holding their ears and Badr smiled thinking that he is really safe with his Mama Baba as these monsters are listening to his Baba.

"Now happy baby?" Umm Badr asked softly and Badr nodded his head cutely.

"Baba thwey weally listen?" Badr asked cautiously.

"Yes my cupcake they listen everything. See how they are still kneeling like good boys? They are your brothers not monsters baby. You wanna try to make them do something?" Walid Badr asked gently as Badr nodded, a bit scaredly.

"Yesh baba. Bwut what if thwey gwet angwy and twake Badr to shir?" Badr asked

"No baby. They won't. They are your brothers. You can ask them to do anything you want. They will do it baby. How about you tell them to hold ears?" Umm Badr suggested because she knows nothing can reassure Badr more than punishment because it has a very deep connection with his past.

"O-okway. Bwut ywou hwold mwe twightly if thwey gwet angwy." Badr said cutely when brothers were just waiting for their explanation.

They were scared to hurt Badr. He was really behaving like a stranger. They had seen the fear in his eyes. They didn't want to do anything which makes the situation worse so they had no other option than playing along.

"Of course baby. They won't do anything but mama baba will always hold you." His father said reassuringly.

"O-okway. P-pwease h-hwold youl ealsh." Badr said extremely scared. And quickly hid his face in his father's neck.

Walid Badr eyed the rest who quickly held their ears and said, "Yes, Badr akhi."

"See baby. Don't be scared. See they all held their ears like you wanted." Umm Badr said and Badr peeked and was surprised to see three of them holding their ears and making cute faces.

After seeing their cute face, Badr was surprised, he turned around and shouted excitedly.

"Oh yesh baba. Thwey listen two Badr. Thwey ale nwot angwy. Thwey thwey are cute." Badr said, amazed.

"Yes my boy. They are cute. They are your brothers. No need to be scared. You can go to them. They won't do anything to you." Walid Badr said softly.

"Cwan Badr pway too?" Badr asked excitedly

"Yes Badr akhi. You can play with us." Affan said, gathering courage.

Badr was taken aback. He again hid his face. But turned around when he heard a soft laughing sound. He saw how everyone was laughing. He pouted angrily.

"Nwo laughing at Badr! Mwe angwy! Gwo away meanies!" Badr yelled and ran away to his room making everyone laugh

"Baba, Badr akhi isn't here. Can you explain what is happening?" Fayez asked cautiously

"I will explain. Don't be scared boys." Walid Badr said and they all nodded, sitting on the sofa.

"You all know how we both always protect your brother more than you all even when he is the eldest. I know you might have felt left out too." Umm Badr said, but before she could explain further, the brothers interrupted.

"No! We aren't jealous of our brother."

"Haha, yes and we are proud of our sons." Umm badr said, standing up to leave the room.

"Where are you going mama?" Brothers asked softly.

"We can't leave baby Badr alone. He will get scared or worse get his insecurities out. You all will understand after your baba explains you. I will come in some time." Umm Badr said leaving quickly.

"So the thing is your brother has a past. Which is very very scary and terrible. And due to which he got this coping mechanism which is called little space in normal language." Abu Badr said continuing the explanation and everyone listened.

Author Note:

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The credit of the previous chapter, this chapter and the upcoming chapter goes to torturelover. She helped me with it. She has a major part in this.

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