The beginning of a lifetime addiction

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(Crack fic but i kinda try, not really//ALSO VIZZY HAAHHAHA)

Lizzy awoke in cold sweat. She had been plagued by her nightmares again. As unusual as it sounds, they became a natural occurrence to her overtime. She jerked up from her 'bed' made of copper scraps found around the exoplanet and observed her surroundings whilst attempting to control her alarmingly fast breathing.

After a while of recovering from that ordeal, she finally seemed to be stable again and she let her mind wonder a bit. Typical, another one of those bad dreams...Maybe I should speak to Doll or some-. Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a short but loud buzz, followed by a flash of light coming from her nightstand, her phone. It was enough to snap her out of her mental ramblings and enough to motivate her to finally get her lazy ass of bed. 

She sat down on the edge of her bed and stretched out her robo-limbs, her eyes wondering over to the phone which still laid on her nightstand. Curiosity filled her pink eyes as she reached over and grabbed the phone. Her eyes, now practically glued to the screen read the new text message she had received. It was from her best friend, V. Lizzy and V were virtually inseparable, whatever murderous andevour V had, Lizzy was almost always invited to.

Cute lil text message sequence comensing!! 

V: Hey Lizzy wifey-poo~

V: Dude where tf are you?? 💀


Lizzy: Robo-jesus V, didn't know you wanted me so badly 😏

V: In your dreams loser, anyways we're going out now. I don't care if you have plans 😍

Lizzy: Fine where we meeting?

Suddenly, Lizzy heard some loud commotion coming from the ventilation shaft in her room. As she went to go check on it, she heard the vent open and a drone tumble down to the ground. To her surprise, it was her friend V.

"Uhm...that's a nice way to say hello," Lizzy muttered under her breath sarcastically as she went over to help the drone on the floor, "How'd you get here so quick?"

V took a couple seconds to think of an answer, it wasn't everyday that she embarrases herself infront of anyone.

"I was texting you whilst tryna find your room, the base is hella complicated to navigate..." V's voice was muffled as her head was pressed down against the floor. She lifted it up to see Lizzy extending her arm to help her up. V's visor lit up with a flush of yellow on her cheeks as she took her arm and stood up on her led legs

"I-i didn't need your help loser...or your sympathy!" V covered her now feverish face in an attempt to stop her flustered expression.

"Gee, I got you the first time. God...what is up with you today?" Lizzy asked, feeling genuinely concerned for the drone in front of her, it didn't help Lizzy's feelings when she covered her face.

"Y-yea fine...just a teeny weeny bit high, nothing concerning I promise," V gently lifted her now calm face and looked down at the shorter drone. "Anyways y-yea, speaking of that..." 

Lizzy could hear the unstableness and slur in V's voice but she pushed that aside as V being her usual weird self, or some 'disassembly drone' programming issue that she wasn't aware of.

"Mhm, so I may or may not have found a HUGE stash of zaza buried deep down under a car...and I may or may not be under the influence of some now..." V managed to utter, she couldn't keep eye contact with Lizzy anymore so she ended up looking around her suitably bright pink room which V realised complimented her fashion sense and the seemingly comforting, warm hue of her eyes. She felt weird, she never paid attention to much.

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