Before it starts....

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Hey everyone! 

I just wanted to say thank you so much for the read, I know Jelena stories isnt as popular anymore so I will be posting a not Jelena version if your uninterested in Justin and Selena but still want to read this kind of story. 

I started this account in my early teen years and has been very on and off but one thing I do know is I LOVE to write and bring things to life. I also LOVED Jelena lol. Currently as an adult I am still working on improving my writing skills so please be patient with me and drop suggestions and tips below. 

So, my plan is to rewrite all of my old stories and complete some of those uncompleted ones and to start I will be doing one of my personal favs (I love them all lol). It might be changes in this story, but I will try my best to keep the same concept, but I want it all to make sense and come together smoothly.  

Thats all I have to say for now, but I really hope you guys enjoy! =)

Love always, 

Filming the bad boy Jelena (Remake)Where stories live. Discover now