22. Double weds

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"I hope your father has informed you of the fact that on the weekend we will be coming for dinner- with my family. Unfortunately this will possibly be cancelled due to the state of my sister... And the fact that your brother Matthew- he broke off the engagement." Aiden started speaking, he was speaking for quite sometime, my gaze was on the ground as he was speaking.

"What do you mean, he broke off the engagement?" Matthew asked and tensed lightly he was unaware of the decision. "While Ari is in this state?" he asked, his disbelief was apparent. At least I could tell. And I agreed, Charles was an arsehole but not that much, he wouldn't do such thing.

"Positive, Matthew, my father was dissatisfied." Aiden spoke and I felt as if he cornered Math for his brother's doing.

"Yes, but there is no reason to mention it to Matthew." I tried to change the subject from this but Matthew seemed skeptical.

"Why?" Matthew asked he was referring to Aiden.

"Grace Blackthorn is the new lucky bride of our Consul." Aiden spoke with disgust. "I promise you though, that nothing like this happens to us. As soon as Ari gets out of there I will come for you." He spoke, his voice giving me apromise that sounded like a threat as he held my hand. I jumped at the gesture and Matthew realized the fact that I was uncomfortable...

"Enough." Matthew intervened almost immediately. "Aiden, you should be departing now. I will be here along with Anna to keep an eye to your sister but Vespasia as well... Linette should rest." He spoke up and escorted Aiden out.

"I shall be leaving too. If you need anything I am certain you'll find your way around." Matthew spoke up. His voice abrupt as he left me alone in the room.

I looked outside and pondered for some moments trying to recall details from the vision, ignoring the fact that I just basically fought with Matthew and Aiden practically proposed to me right before his eyes. I didn't know what was more surreal and stupid at that point.

I stood up, decided to go at the infirmary despite the promise I made to Lucie to sit still in my arse and not get involved at all, I opened the door, the corridors were quiet, almost suspiciously quiet. There was a buzz of voices and I decided to follow that- It was Matthew's voice, he was tense angry and he was speaking to someone.

By the time I walked to the staircase I saw him with Grace- He was leaning above her his hand griping her waist as their lips were kissing, touching one another. I felt my temperature rising within seconds, my ears ringing from the added pressure on my head. My eyes stung with tears- I didn't want to cry, I didn't want to admit I had feelings for him. He had no feelings at all didn't even counted my brother. His bloody Parabatai! I sobbed and their gaze met mine.

"Lina!" he exclaimed but I turned and run. He didn't find me.

Lucie Herondale

I was almost too sure that once I was back at the room I would find my sister sitting there. Linette had a thing for getting herself in trouble, or assisting as she would call it. She was too altruistic sometimes and I liked being the selfish one around. For my surprise she was there...

Curled on the couch hugging a pillow, she had tears in her eyes as I stared at Cordelia who seemed as shocked as me. "Lina? What happened?" I asked her approaching kneeling down next to her.

"Nothing, just the tension- the vision- everything!" She exclaimed and held the pillow closer to her without allowing me to come on a physical contact with her.

Cordelia sat next to her. "You were fine before... where is Matthew?" My parabatai to be asked, her voice smoothing and sweet trying to find intelligence on what happened.

•𝐋𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐇𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐥𝐞•Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora