6. Double trouble

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Warning: this chapter contains descriptions of seizure and mention of blood (I only read of what happens during a seizure so excuse my potentially wrong description)

"Aiden... Good evening" I smiled at him faintly. Part of me regretted sending Matthew to Cordelia. Altruism is overrated at points like this one.

"Good evening Linette, I saw Fairchild over your head, I thought I might come to your rescue." He spoke up and I was so impressed at the constant delirium he was into. Thank god Ariadne was not his biological sister.

"Oh trust me there was no need" I maintained myself composed as he took my hand and brought to his lips. I smiled politely as he softly dragged me back to the dancefloor. I couldn't deny.

"Perhaps tomorrow. You could come to meet my father, he would be delighted to meet you." He suggested and smiled at me as we were waltzing around the ballroom.

"I am certain your father is very aware of my being. Besides, such meeting ought to be permitted by my family. And I believe they are rather busy right now. I am afraid this must be postpone." I spoke up and kept my smile. My gaze scanned the room and I saw plenty of people speaking and dancing around me. I unexpectedly gazed Alastair Carstairs as Aiden was babbling.

"... So how do you like the Carstairs? I am sure you have heard about Elias, he is such a drunk. I am certain that he fairly is held in the Silent city." He babbled and at the mention of the name Carstairs I tensed. "Excuse me, I just trust you so I express my thoughts rather carelessly.

"As a matter of fact us Herondales tend to adore the Carstairs and accept them as they are..." I started speaking as Aiden paused dancing.

"Ah then I am at the right place, May I still Linette? I haven't had the chance to catch up with her and it had been a year hasn't it?" Alastair Carstairs commented.

"Fine by me" I spoke "We will talk later Aiden" I excused us as I changed partner for the second time. "Thank you, but how did you understand?" I asked.

"Well I saw that desperate scan to have an eyecontact. And you are also so bad at hiding boredom annoyance and such as." Alastair explicated and looked at Aiden "I believe he was speaking to you about my father..." He spoke and I realized why he truly came and interrupted.

"Look Alastair. I know that Bridgestock isn't only interesting at my charming smile. I do not know much about what has occurred with Elias, however even if I knew, be certain, that I would respond the same way." I assured him. I was being wholeheartedly sincere with what I was saying. I disliked lying except if it was to prevent my parents from yelling at me or James. "I really meant that us Herondales tend to adore Carstairs." I chimed lightly as I looked over and saw Grace and James waltzing.

"Well surly your twin has an odd way of showing." Alastair commented and looked from James and Grace to Matthew and Cordelia. "But a Herondale saved a Carstairs yet again." He commented.

"I like very few people of our kind that are not related to me by blood. You your mother and your sister are from those people Alastair. And despite of the Merry Thieves' opinion I like you and frankly I can relate to many things. I am grumpy and moody all the time myself." I added with an amused chuckle.

"Wow, that was pretty sincere indeed" Alastair spoke and a loud yell was heard as I felt a someone crush on us. I turned my head and saw Barbara collapsing right next to me, my glove caught on her earing and got off as I got her along with Oliver who carefully laid her down.

I kneeled next to her my hand automatically going to her neck to find a pulse. The feeling of my bear hand touching someone's skin had my breath caught to my throat as I realized it late. "She- she has a pulse" I spoke and looked at Oliver. "She probably didn't eat well" I tried to reason as I looked at him with an assuring smile.

"She needs air" Cordelia commented and looked at me. "Do you have a knife we need to cut the crochet, it is too tight." She added and I nodded.

I stood raising my skirt to my knee, I pulled out a silver knife with a heron on its candle.

Anna arrived to the spot and looked at me and then Barbara, took the knife from my hand as I kneeled again next to her. "Let me." She offered and brought with extreme gentleness Barbara's body to her and gently cut off the crochet. I held Barbara's face on the side with one hand that rested on her cheek as my other wiped the strands of hair from her face. Soon aunt Sophie was at the spot. I started feeling dysphoric as I only found out now that Barbara was awake.

"We need a stele. James?" Someone said, I think it was Thomas. I hadn't noticed my brother's arrival to the spot and I couldn't be more grateful for that. I slowly turned at him. I must looked as bad as I felt. He immediately gave Thomas the stele and got my arms and pulled me up.

"Its happening" I informed him "Its going to be bad" I added and inhaled deeply as I felt that I was getting enough oxygen. There were very few times James was present when I was to have an episode. It was usually our father.

"Trust me I can see it" James informed me as his grip over me was getting tighter as I was starting to leave. All of a sudden I felt another pair of arms pulling my fully gloved arm above his shoulders. It was Math. Everything started going blank.

'I looked to the bed next to me, it was Oliver, it was only a few moments until I saw people storming in and out. It was the infirmary of the institute and aunt Sophie was right next to me. I turned and looked at her she had tears in her eyes and stroked my face. I could see the fear and the love in her glare. She was aching more than I did at that point.

I was in pain. Stinging and penetrating pain, I needed to scream but no word would come out as suddenly my gaze froze. Aunt Sophie was crying, her woe was heartbreaking and She was screaming but I wasn't moving, I wasn't responding. I was trying to but I couldn't. I started seeing her from above, I was rising... And as it felt like I was flying almost to the ceiling I saw Barbara's soulless body next on the bed...'

James Herondale

Matthew came to the other side of my twin hoping we would manage to get out of the ballroom before she could collapse. I was thinking plethora of stuff at that point like how we had together an episode, first me and after a few moments her. However, the dominating thought was what to do. I had been next to her when she had a heavy seizure only five times and none of them I actively assisted.

Before I could ask how she felt she collapsed, started shaking. Her arms and her legs shaking and convulsing, stretching and unstretching. Me and Matthew laid Linette on the floor. "Hold her down, her head." I exclaimed as I tried to stop her from injuring herself on the stone floor. I was above her body trying to hold her arms atleast

"I can't" Matthew spoke as he moved above Lina's head and got her cheeks trying to steady her. I turned to see her expression, her eyes were rolled back, her mouth was moving as if she wanted to speak, it was the vision I realized.

"Kneel and place her head between your knees it will help." My father appeared and I couldn't be more grateful as he got her arm. Matthew did as he was advised.

My glance was pinned on her face, it was only a few seconds later that the apples of her eyes were back, darting in terror as a groan escaped her lips as if she couldn't breath. "Dad?" I thought for a moment it was my voice as I was seeking his reassurance as well, but it was Lucie standing above us with mother.

"Luce, its normal, can you tell me does she wear a crochet?" Our father spoke, his voice was incredibly calm as if his daughter was simply asleep next to us.

"No, she never wears" Lucie replied immediately, she was crying I didn't need to look at her to know.

"Dad she struggles to breath" I exclaimed, I was panicking.

"She will, just keep her from injuring herself, it is almost over." My dad spoke up "Matthew don't be afraid keep her steadier." He added and my gaze returned to my parabatai, he looked scared as he looked back at me. He was as terrified as me...

"She coughs blood!" Matthew exclaimed.

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