11. Lost family

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10. Lost family

"I missed my family..." this phrase was echoing in my head, I felt as if I was swallowed by something so much bigger than me. I felt blank, no fear, even if I tried to feel anything I was unable to. My father's gaze at the infirmary still staring at me, his expression had a twisted smile, and I knew this wasn't him... I was floating in the emptiness, it felt like an eternity of emptiness and void. Perhaps I was dead. This was my dominant thought, surprising I was having thoughts and collections considering that I was in a situation between death and live... or so I guessed.

It was starting to annoy me, the absolute silence, the nothingness, the void, the black, the negative energy, the bad smell, the scorching feeling inside me that seemed to roar as if I had a flame that would burn down everything. For a few moments I considered being in the so called shadow realms my brother travels involuntarily rather frequently, he never though gave us such description of those demonic dimensions. Then again, uncle Jem always said there was more than one world, more than just one dimension, demonic or not, in fact he said there was plethora of them.

I was simply floating.

I felt arms hooked, grasping my hands so tough and harsh it hurt, the way I was grasped and pulled, it was a violent pull, it hurt me and I could still see nothing...

Matthew Fairchild

I felt my heart be teared as Thomas held on his sister's limb body, I had seen Anna throw a dagger to Linette's spot to assist her with the demon, therefore afterwards she seemed weird. I started walking to her carefully, her dress that previously was a light pastel pink was now crimson with Barbara's blood upon it. She was going towards the lake, her steps were bizarrely even, I don't know why I observed it... My feet got me there, I was walking when a second later she was in the water. I sprinted there, as if the speed rune was activated, but it wasn't. The panic within me rose.

I braked abruptly, my eyes getting used to see inside the water, it was black. I saw her sinking not that deep, I leaned and hooked my arms under her shoulder. I was surprised by how lightfeathered she felt inside my grip.

"What happened?" James raced next to us, Cordelia was with him.

"I-I don't know..." I spoke, I froze as she laid soaked and uncounsious before us.

"She needs to cough out the water." Cordelia spoke and pressed on her chest several times, I don't know if I felt James' or my panic but it felt like an eternity until she finally coughed the water, her body spasmed as she turned on her side, her coughs violent and her skin freezing cold as the paranormal storm was still occurring at the area of the park. She trembled at the low temperature.

"Lina?" Cordelia asked her and suddenly, her tone begging her to wake up I wondered where Lucie and James were, I took a quick glance around and noticed James escorting Thomas with Barbara's body while there were people arranging the carriage. "Lina?" this time it was shock radiating from the Persian's voice, it made me turn and my heart clenched, it was mostly fear and less relief if I am being frank...

Her eyes were white, her blue gray apple gone, as if they were rolled back and yet she was having no seizure, no episode, no spasm, no symptom that would betray such thing. I leaned in and held her head up as the instruction of Will Herondale were but she was unresponsive still. I looked at Cordelia. "Lina can you talk to us?" she asked again and her blank gaze turned at her, she was smiling, it took my breath away and not owing to her breathtaking beauty, there was something horrifically scary about it.

"I miss, my daughter" She spoke, her voice was raspy and baritone, her tone lower than ever and it gave me chills.

"What?" I asked at the same time as Cordelia, we stared at each other with an equally freaked out glare.

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