12. The return of the lost

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I walked in leaving everyone behind. I only wished to get in my room without anyone noticing, drown in my bathtub until I get cleaned up from the mud, the blood, the ichor that slowly burnt my skin into small marks. 'I missed my family' a phrase that echoed in my head, I remembered the scream but I felt so distant from that memory, from every memory...

I was cold as two arms suddenly were wrapped around me. It was my father, his arms protectively around me. I sighed, but I felt nothing. I hugged him though, it was a reflex. "Dad..." I spoke and rubbed his shoulder.

"Are you alright Linette?" he asked me cupping my face trying to make out if there was any source of blood coming out of me.

"I am in no pain... you do not need to worry." I tried to assure him, as my mother approached and pulled me in a hug while my father was still in search of any wounds.

"Lucie?" My mother asked me,

"With aunt Cecily, putting iratzes on Cordelia who had some cuts and bruises." I replied, with the basics.

"You gave me a scare, there were so many people hurt... Matthew was there thankfully, I was keeping a track of all three of you but you were the only one I thought I lost..." he spoke nevertheless he cut his words down. "Your arm..." he spoke and teared my sleeve more.

"What-" I asked confused and saw a bleeding wound, I was trying to remember when I got this one but failed. "It doesn't hurt." I informed him as he drew an iratze upon my skin. I groaned in pain as I felt the burn tensly sting my skin.

"Will?" My mother asked as she was behind me. "Is... is this normal?"

"Are you sure you are feeling alright?" He asked me as his hand carefully concluded the rune in my arm, his gaze frowning as the wound didn't close. "Linette, what happened at the lake?" he asked me and I smiled. I didn't want to smile, but I did.

"I only missed you daughter." I said and winked at my mother, I was smiling abnormally wide my cheeks hurt, "Since you killed my son" I turned to my dad and with a swift movement I activated the whip on my wrist but my father caught it. We were still at the sanctuary.

"Will!?" my mom exclaimed as he pushed her behind him. "Don't hurt her!"

"I am not... I will not... I-." he groaned lightly as the electricity of my weapon caught him.

He was holding the whip and pulled it out of my grip as he used it against me. I wasn't that good of a shadowhunter, my skills were limited compared to my father's. The whip was wrapped around my ankle and swept me from my feet. I crushed to the marble floor with a loud groan as he approached and activated the angelic rune... I could feel it burning and shining in my skin... it was slowly aching my body muscularly as he got my hand removed the glove and held it barely in his. I perceived what he was doing and what was happening to me. I was phenotypically a cold person, but this emotional distance never actually occurred inside me. My parents are always the ones to tell...

There was surprisingly no seizure, I was on the cold floor, my parents above me. My mother scared looking at me as my father kept my hand in his waiting to see that his idea would snap me out of the grip.

Will Herondale

My heart ached, my wife screaming our daughters name while I had to attack her in order to save her. Both me and my wife denied what was happening to our kids nevertheless we could not deny this...

"Will... what is going on?" Tess asked me, I could hear the panic in her voice and the fear in her gaze, it was almost disorientating as I felt the same way. I scooped my daughter in my arms as her eyes rolled back... The charisma was stronger than any possession... once she was in the institute no demon would be able to get to her. "Go get Lucie. Now!" I told my wife.

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